
minion n.1.〔貶義〕寵兒,寵臣,寵物。2.走狗,奴才。3.〔...


I thought the foreground was if this was someday a hundred minion dollars in revenue company , so obviously it has grown way beyond what i think any of us had anticipated 我想如果哪天公司的收入達一億就算是大獲豐收了,所以說它現在的發展顯然略高出了我們所有人的預想。

Many of the unique monster bonuses transfer to minions at lesser effects . therefore , two values are listed : one for the unique monster and one for its minions 許多暗金級怪物獎勵傳遞給他們的嘍?更小的影響。所以,列出了兩種數值:一個是暗金級怪物,另一種是它的嘍? 。

The dour recluse still there he has his cake and the douce youngling , minion of pleasure , phedo s toyable fair hair . eh . . . i just eh . . 倔強的隱士依然在那兒呢他把點心拿在乎里535 ,還有那個文靜的小伙子,小乖乖536 ,菲多那囝囝般的金發。

C : [ pretty much . showed up a few months ago with a couple hundred minions . he took over the corridors and rooms , but left all the vaults alone [沒錯。幾個月前他帶著好幾百手下出現了。他接管了走道與房間,但卻沒碰那些地下室。

Let every man be fully penetrated by the idea that we must subdue these minions of england , who are inspired by such hatred of our country 每個人都要滿懷這樣一種觀念:務必打敗這些極度仇恨我們民族的英國雇傭兵。

At this point voldemort and his minions touch the portkey and return to hogwarts to begin the new reign of terror 到了這個時候,伏地魔和他的奴才們應該摸門鑰匙,回到霍格沃茨,就此展開新的恐怖政權。

Malcanthet ' s minions also must be stopped - but we must first deal with the threat of merris , and ortufon 必須阻止麥爾凱瑟特的手下們? ?但首先我們要解決麥里斯的威脅,以及奧圖番。

Players will be skirmishing with the minions of arthas from the moment they set foot on northrend 當玩家登上諾森德的時候就要和阿爾薩斯的跟班發生一點小小的沖突(小小的… … ) 。

He shaved his minions ' groins , using the razor with his own hand - - with which he would then shave his own beard 他親手拿刀剃他的奴隸的腹股溝? ?然后再剃他自己的胡子。

These spells and skills allow the cabalist to capture , control , and even train the minions of hell 這些法術和技能使得秘法師可以征服、控制甚至是訓練地獄的努臣。

Minions , servants , soldiers of the cold dark , obey the call of kel ' thuzad 仆從們!侍衛們!隸屬于黑暗和寒冷的戰士們!聽從克爾蘇加德的召喚!

Keep your minions free of my domains , or there may be sad accidents and much loss of life 把你的手下帶出我的領地,否則對你來說,災難就會降臨。

Driving deep into the forests , she was able to subdue and possess a succubus minion 在森林深處,她成功地征服了一個魔女,并占據了她的肉身。

Minions , servants , soldiers of the cold dark , obey the call of kel ' thuzad 深寒黑暗的爪牙,仆從,士兵們!聽從克爾蘇加德的調遣!

A minion of fortune 命運的寵兒

- minions , let ' s move 寵物,我們走

I said out , minions 我說出去,寵物

Better than your minion 比作你的走狗強

How you doing , minion 米尼恩近來如何