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minimum wage (法定)最低工資。


The minimum wage has not been raised for a decade ( many republicans voted for the measure ) 最低工資已經十年沒有漲了(許多共和黨人也贊同漲工資) 。

A motion moved by hon wong kwok - hing on minimum wage , standard working hours was negatived 立法會否決王國興議員就“最低工資標準工時“動議的議案。

A motion moved by hon chan yuen - han on minimum wage , standard working hours was negatived 立法會否決陳婉嫻議員就“最低工資標準工時“提出的議案。

The board is to meet tomorrow to discuss a possible minimum wage policy for hong kong 委員會將于明天開會,討論在香港落實最低工資政策是否可行。

The buying power of the federal minimum wage rate is at its lowest point since 1949 而聯邦最低工資水平的購買力自1949年以來已經降至了最低點。

The board is to meet tomorrow to discu a po ible minimum wage policy for hong kong 委員會將于明天開會,討論在香港落實最低工資政策是否可行。

Accordingly , even if the bag eats encase , salary also cannot under minimum wage standard 因此,即使是包吃包住,工資也不能低于最低工資標準。

Except probation , the salary between novitiate also cannot under minimum wage standard 除試用期之外,見習期間的工資也不能低于最低工資標準。

Chris is working at mcdonalds earning minimum wage . he is really living from hand to mouth 克里斯在麥當勞工作賺得是最底新。他確實生活拮據。

The draft law stipulates that employers must pay local minimum wages to part - time employees 該草案規定雇傭方必須付給臨時工當地的最低工資。

When sending salary to second month , i take connect minimum wage standard insufficient 到次月發工資時,我拿到的連最低工資標準都不夠。

Hon emily lau raised a question on statutory minimum wage and standard working hours 劉慧卿議員就法定最低工資及標準工時提出質詢。

Hon kwong chi - kin raised a question on implementation of statutory minimum wage system 鄺志堅議員就實施法定最低工資制度提出質詢。

Labour advisory board to study the question of a minimum wage and standard working hours 勞工顧問委員會研究最低工資和標準工時的議

Providing appropriate working conditions is more urgent than fixing minimum wages 提供合適的工作環境比規定最低工資標準更為重要。

So others support a higher minimum wage as a second - best solution 所以其他有些人支持將提高最低工資作為最佳解決方案的候補方案。

They toil around the clock in dubai ' s sizzling summer with no set minimum wage 他們在迪拜晝夜不停的工作而沒有最低工資的保障。

Hon chan yuen - han raised a question on implementation of statutory minimum wage 陳婉嫻議員就實施法定最低工資提出質詢。

Accordingly , the salary inside probation cannot under minimum wage standard 因此,試用期內的工資不能低于最低工資標準。