uploads/minimum range.jpg

minimum range 最小射程。

minimum thermometer

Point blank 2 points , requires 20 points in mm ” reduces the minimum range of your ranged weapons by 1 yards ” ( to 2 死區瞄準( 2點)需要: 20點射擊系天賦使你用遠程武器攻擊時的最小攻擊距離減少1 / 2碼。

Point blank 2 points , requires 20 points in mm “ reduces the minimum range of your ranged weapons by 1 yards “ ( to 2 死區瞄準( 2點)需要: 20點射擊系天賦使你用遠程武器攻擊時的最小攻擊距離減少1 / 2碼。

“ avenger ' s shield “ no longer has a minimum range . it may be used on any target within 30 yards 復仇者之盾不再有最小使用距離,現在是30碼內任何目標都可以

All ranged attacks now have a wonderful 1 yard minimum range 所有的遠程攻擊最小距離現在調整到1碼。

Ancient protector minimum range reduced to 0 from 200 遠古守衛最小射程從200減少到0 。