
minimize vt.1.使減到最少,按最小限度估計。2.輕視。n.-z...


Immobilize casualty with splint to minimize his movement 固定其肢體,減少其活動。

He tends to minimize the difficulty of the project 他常常低估該項目的困難。

Minimizing copies of reference copies at meetings 盡量減低會議參考文件的數量

This can help you minimize the size of your dll 這有助于最小化dll的大小。

Minimize time device has to wait for results 盡量最少時間,因為設備需要等待結果。

We must try our best to minimize the loss 我們必須盡力把損失減小到最低限度。

Swift response helps minimize damage from heavy rain 遇大雨反應迅速,有效減輕損失

How to minimize the chance of infection to the infant 如何減低嬰孩受感染的機會?

Smooth out clothes and bed sheets to minimize creases 將衣服和床單拉平,減少皺摺

Adaptive output power minimizes interference 可變的電源輸出使干擾減小到最小。

They try to minimize the spread of the disease 他們設法將疾病控制在小范圍之內。

Minimize waste and defective products , as well as costs 消滅廢次品,控制成本。

Lcq1 : assistance to minimize digital divide 立法會一題:支持弱勢社學習資訊科技

Minimizing the hiring of transport from government car pool 盡量減少租用政府車輛

Property value can be normal or minimized . the 屬性值可以是normal或minimized 。

We should try our best to minimize the loss 我們必須盡力把損失減小到最低限度。

Minimizing logical functions using quine - mcclusky tabular method 法化簡邏輯函數

drying at 103℃ ensures the removal of all free water, provided that the drying period is long enough, and minimizes the loss of other water. 若在103烘干足夠長的時間,就能確保除去全部的游離水,并可使其它水的損失降到最少。

There is a major debate as to whether there is some optimal debt-equity ratio which minimizes a company's weighted overall cost of capital . 對以下這個問題有很大爭議;即是否有一個最適度的債券與股票比率能夠使整個加權的資本成本減少到最低限度。