
minimalist n.(政治上的)最低綱領派(opp. maximalis...


27th hkiff was not minimalist enough , kiarostami decides to completely dispense with dialogue , actors or camera movement in his latest . but far from being impenetrably austere , the iranian master has instead created one of his most poetic and humanistic works yet . each of the five zen - like static shots captures nature at its most glorious , from the driftwood washing up against the beach to the thunderous rumbles of rain upon the dark sea 基阿魯斯達米去年完成的兩部數碼錄像電影之一,是他海邊寫劇本時妙手偶拾的五個長鏡頭,長度十至二十多分鐘不等,分別是:一海灘一截木頭,隨潮來潮往二海邊路上人來人往,偶爾駐足離開,浪濤不停拍岸三冬日天空,大海,海灘大遠鏡,一群狗在遠方走動四鴨子一只接一只由左走向右,再聯群回頭向左走五晚上的池塘,偶見月光倒影,時而漆黑一片,只聞蛙聲此起彼落,然后打雷閃電下雨,最終黎明。

The motorazr v3 is expertly crafted to deliver exceptional performance . inside the stunning , ultra - thin design are advanced features like mpeg4 video playback , bluetooth wireless technology , a digital camera and more . and with the precision - cut keypad , minimalist styling and metal finish , the v3 has its own unmistakable look 令人贊嘆的超薄設計,配合mpeg4影片播放藍芽無線技術數碼相機等多項超凡科技,盡集中于超薄機身之內,雷射鍵盤精心雕琢,簡約風格躍現,配合金屬質感,毫無瑕?的完美型格,盡在v3 。

The central sculptural component evokes a minimalist representation of the ruined skeleton of a church , referencing both the romantic iconography of painters such as caspar david friedrich and the imagery of a black metal album cover 主要的雕塑組成喚起了已被破壞的教堂骨骼的極簡抽象主義的表現,涉及畫家們的浪漫主義人物畫法,例如卡斯帕大衛佛萊里奇,也涉及了黑金屬唱片封面的肖像。

The central sculptural component evokes a minimalist representation of the ruined skeleton of a church , referencing both the romantic iconography of painters such as caspar david friedrich and the imagery of a black metal album cover 主要的雕塑組成喚起了已被破壞的教堂骨骼的最低綱領主義的表現,涉及畫家們的浪漫主義人物畫法,例如卡斯帕大衛佛萊里奇,也涉及了黑金屬相冊封面的肖像。

Temple food is supposed to be minimalist , preservative and monosodium glutamate - free , and to contain natural ingredients that allow the true flavour to come through without being obscured by pungent additions such as onion , garlic and ginger 寺廟飲食應該是要求最低,無防腐劑和味精,富含天然成分,不添加洋蔥,蒜頭和姜等刺激性配料,以便品嘗到食物最原始的味道。

Her art background and practice experience by which to find out how the artistic genre has influenced her design career , especially the pop - art , minimalist art , land art and concept art . 2 . the contemporary art from 50 - 60s of 20th century 揭示當代各種藝術流派與思想,主要是波普藝術、極簡主義藝術、大地藝術、觀念藝術在她設計風格形成中所起的重要作用。

Today , approximately ten years after the internet started its exponential growth , and in spite all the technological developments , minimalist web page design still wins big over fancy , flashy , confusing design 現在,因特網快速增長的時期已經過去十年了。盡管技術在不斷發展,但布局簡單的頁面比令人眼花繚亂的頁面更加吸引用戶。

Later , based on the list of software and services , you should install an absolute minimalist system that contains only the necessary software and thus has the lowest possibility of hidden security holes 稍后,基于軟件和服務的列表,您應該安裝一個只包含必需軟件的絕對最小化的系統,這樣可以使得具有隱藏安全漏洞的可能性最低。

The designs range from “ purely simple , ” with minimalist d cor in neutral colors , to “ qualit , ” featuring large pictures of lettuces and tomatoes and gleaming stainless steel kitchen utensils 新設計包羅萬象,從極簡(以中性色彩做最少的裝飾)到質量采用萵苣和番茄的大圖片,以及閃亮的不銹鋼廚房用具,不一而足。

As james morrison has said , “ a cappella is sometimes thought of as being minimalist , but when you can sing and entertain like the idea of north , a band would just get in the way “ 正如莫理信所說:無伴奏合唱有時被誤以為是簡單的組合,但如果你能像北方點子般歌唱及表演,那就有如一個大樂隊在演奏。

Skeptical historians , generally called “ biblical minimalists “ , suggest that moses never actually existed as a historical figure , and that the exodus is mythical 持懷疑論的歷史學家,通常稱作“圣經的最低綱領主義者” ,提出摩西從來沒有作為一個歷史人物而真正地存在過, 《出埃及記》是一個神話。

Followers of punkculture developed their own , dystopian styles of music , which were originally like underground , minimalist rock and roll 朋克文化的追隨者發展了他們自己的反面烏托邦風格的音樂,它最初就像地下的、極簡主義者搖滾。

Chinese indie 獨立 / rock / experimental band that wins it ‘ s audience with minimalist guitar , clear vocal and heady laptop sounds 中國獨立/搖滾/實驗樂隊,用最低限度的吉他,清晰的主唱和重筆記本電腦的聲音,贏得了他們的觀眾。

The minimalist program aims to simplify the grammar and pushes forward the development of syntax by inviting some more advanced parameters 最簡方案的目的是要簡化語法,并且通過引入一些更高級的參數將句法的發展向前推進。

27th hkiff was not minimalist enough , kiarostami decides to completely dispense with dialogue , actors or camera movement in his latest 基阿魯斯達米去年完成的兩部數碼錄像電影之一,是他海邊寫劇本時妙手偶拾的五個長鏡頭。

The use of graphics : to use graphics only when absolutely necessary is another good example of minimalist web design 圖片的利用:只有在非常必要時,才能使用圖片,這是簡約網站設計的另外一個例子。

Another dublin exile in paris , samuel beckett 19061989 wrote in a minimalist vein , often in french 巴黎的另一個都柏林流亡者,塞廖爾貝克特( samuel beckett , 1906 - 1989 ) ,經常用法語按極簡風格寫作。

The structures are fairly minimalist and not very well generalized ; this is to make the code smaller and easier to read 這個結構是極度簡化的,沒有被很好地實現;這是為了讓代碼更少,更容易讀懂。

The use of graphics : to use graphics only when absolutely necessary is another good example of minimalist web design 圖片的利用:只有在非常必要時,才能使用圖片,這是簡約的另外一個例子。