
minimal adj.1.最小的,極微的,最低(限度)的。2.最簡單派...

minimal art

The minimal polynomial and matrix opposite angle 最小多項式與矩陣的對角化

May require you to have a minimal version of 您可以把下面的命令列范例中的

Minimal elements in the poset of graphic sequences 可圖序列偏序集的極小元

Modify the enable minimal rebuild property 修改“啟用最小重新生成”屬性。

Computing minimal hitting sets with genetic algorithm 求極小碰集的遺傳算法

Involvement from tivoli in this space is minimal Tivoli很少介入這個空間。

Numbers of minimal generated sets of functional semigroup 函數半群的產生集的最小基數

Site navigation classes run under minimal trust 站點導航類在最小的信任級別下運行。

Multivariate weak spline space and minimal determing set 多元弱樣條空間和最小確定集

A study on cognition with minimal head injury patients 輕型顱外傷患者的認知功能研究

A structure of minimal prime subgroups of an l - group 群極小素子群的一種結構

Minimal interruption of service to clients 對客戶端服務的中斷可減到最小。

There should be minimal impact on existing code 對現有代碼應該只有最小限度的影響。

Basic specification for programming language minimal basic 程序設計用米尼瑪

Reorganizing an index uses minimal system resources 使用最少系統資源重新組織索引。

Granting minimal access to shared personalization 將最低訪問權限授予共享個性化設置

Review on political legitimacy of the minimal state 最小國家的政治合法性探求

As such , inheritance is of minimal utility at best 同樣地,繼承的實用性微乎其微。

Computing minimal hitting set from first principles with rhs - tree 樹計算最小碰集