
minima n.minimum 復數的異體。


In their view the minimum aim of chinese statecraft had to be that no other major country would combine with the soviets . 站在他們的立場上,中國國策的最起碼目標必須防止任何別的大國同蘇聯搞在一起。

The subject of the theorems, which today we would describe as maxima and minima problems, was novel in greek mathematics . 這些定理的主題就是今天所謂的極大極小問題,它在希臘數學里是新穎的。

According to this model a monolayer of fines coating the coarse is the minimum needed to bring the viscosity down . 按照這個模型,粗粒物料覆蓋以單層細粉是使粘度降低至細粉粘度的最小需要量。

Either the maximum and minimum stresses of one of these and the mean stress-are required to specify the fluctuation . 需要兩個值:最大應力和最小應力或二者之一和平均應力,以確定其起伏程度。

Only later were the tissue isolates reduced to their minimum size to produce the maximum relative growth rates . 只有到后來,離體組織減少到它們的最小體積而產生最大的相對生長速率。

He supposed that some minimum amount of energy is required in order to pull an electron away from a metal surface . 他假設,某個最小的能量是為把一個電子拉出某種金屬表面所必需的。

A computer algorithm is used to find the minimum travel time between all consumer nodes and all bank locations . 利用計算機程序找出所有消費者點和所有銀行點間的最少往來時間。

The emphasis on the minimum nozzle length was carried to the limit with the design of nozzle with sharpedged throats . 強調最小噴管長度轉向采用銳邊喉管道的噴管設計的極限值。

Therefore, at sufficiently high energies the absorption coefficient begins to increase after passing through a minimum . 因此,在足夠高的能量下,吸收系數便由最小值開始增加。

Other aspects of the minimum velocity in a horizontal pipe for pseudo-homogeneity are discussed in chapter 11 . 水平管中假均勻流體最小速度的其他方面在第十一章中予以討論。

Minimum weight and volume are almost overriding requirements for any missile servo . 對于任何一種導彈的伺服系統來說,使它的重量為最輕和體積為最小,幾乎是最主要的要求了。

I told ismail ambiguously that our actions were the minimum that public opinion would tolerate . 我含糊地告訴伊斯梅爾說,我們的行動是我國輿論所能容許的最低限度的行動。

The dyes are exposed to a minimum amount of radiation after preparation and during addition to the emulsion . 這些染料制備后,加到乳劑中只對輻射中局部波長的光敏感。

A stationary point which is neither a local maximum nor a local minimum point is called a saddle point . 一個既不是局部極大點又不是局部極小點的平穩點稱為一個鞍點。

The e state is especially interesting, as it shows two substantial minima in its u(r) curve . E狀態是特別有意思的,因為在它的U(R)曲線上出現兩個顯著的極心。

The primary cosmic radiation that reaches the earth is minimum at periods of maximum solar activity . 在極大的太陽活動時期,到達地球的初級宇宙輻射是極小值。

When we enact minimum wage and rent controls, persistent surpluses and shortages can occur . 當實行最低工資及房租控制政策時,就會出現持續的過剩和短缺。

They objected mainly to their provisions for minimum wages and prevention of sharp practices . 他們反對的主要是那些規定最低工資和防止苛刻措施的條款。

Carlson valued substantive conflict but tried to keep personal conflict to a minimum . 卡爾森重視實質性的沖突,但是設法把人的沖突限制到最低程度。