
minim n.1.微物,一滴,一點點,一絲絲;〔蔑稱〕極矮小的人。...


In theory , the thesis constructs a new idea on effective preventing and controlling htds . in method , firstly to prevent the occurring of each disaster , it designs a set of forewarning indices to efficiently monitor and distinguish the most representative ones from all disaster causers , which is through inducing a new forewarning management method into existing highway operating system . secondly if the disaster has inevitably occurred , the forewarning system will start its emergency countermeasures to lessen the loss degree to the minim 在方法上,一是采用了社會實證調查方法,了解了高速公路交通災害和高速公路運營管理的現狀和問題,二是通過對高速公路交通災害的各類預警指標的設計和運用,實現對各種致災因子的有效監測與識別,以預防交通災害的發生,并在災害已不可避免發生的情況下,采取緊急措施將災害的損失程度降到最小。

Instruction detection technology is core in instruction detection system , it include abnormity instruction and abused instruction detection , on the basis of traditional network security model , ppdr model , instruction detection principle and instruction technology analysis , the author has brought forward instruction detection method based genetic neural networks , adopted genetic algometry and bp neural networks union method , and applied in instruction detection system , solve traditional bp algometry lie in absence about constringency rate slowly and immersion minim value 入侵檢測分析技術是入侵檢測系統的核心,主要分為異常入侵檢測和誤用入侵檢測。作者在對傳統網絡安全模型、 ppdr模型、入侵檢測原理以及常用入侵檢測技術進行比較分析的基礎上,提出了一個基于遺傳神經網絡的入侵檢測方法,采用遺傳算法和bp神經網絡相結合的方法?遺傳神經網絡應用于入侵檢測系統中,解決了傳統的bp算法的收斂速度慢、易陷入局部最小點的問題。

During the course of purification , the method of orthophenanthroline staining is used to detect the ferritin . 30 | il of the fractions eluted from the aca ^ gel column were pulled into the cells of the minim incubation plate . then sopil 20 % dithionite and 40 | il 0 . 1 % orthophenanthroline solution were pulled into respectively 在酶標板小孔中加入30 l待測液,加入30 l20的連二亞硫酸鈉溶液還原后,再加入40 l0 . 1鄰菲咯啉溶液,根據有無桔紅色顏色產生確定是否含鐵蛋白。

A 64th note or hemidemisemiquaver is indicated by the symbol xxx and is equivalent in duration to half a 32nd note or demisemiquaver , a quarter of a 16th note or semiquaver , an eighth of an 8th note or quaver , a sixteenth of a quarter note or crotchet , a thirty - second of a half note or minim , and a sixty - fourth of a whole note or semibreve 六十四分音符用xxx來表示,等于半個三十二分音符,四分之一的十六分音符,八分之一的八分音符,十六分之一的四分音符,三十二分之一的半音,六十四分之一的全音。

The article describes some effective factors and countermeasures of accurate degree in the half minim steam way measuring the nitrogen in the coal , according to the standard of gb / t19227 - 2003 and the practical operating experience of the author 摘要按gb / t19227 - 2003標準并結合筆者的實際操作經驗,淺析操作中影響半微量蒸汽法測定煤中氮準確度的若干影響因素及解決對策。

Addition of minim cerium to the al - li alloy enhances textures of alloys , thereby increases anisotropy of the alloy , on the other hand it influences anisotropy of the alloy by its effect on aging process 微量ce加入鋁鋰合金中,一方面增強2090合金的形變織構,即增強合金的各向異性;另一方面則通過對時效過程的影響而對合金的各向異性產生作用。

According to the characteristic that the measured blood serum sample ' s volume is very small , the reasonable transportation device is selected , the minim titration device and the driver circuits of transportation facility are designed 根據被測血清樣本體積很小這一特點,合理選擇輸送設備,設計微量滴定裝置和輸送設備的驅動電路。

Thus the whole note or semibreve has no stem , but the relative duration of the half note or minim , half the length of the whole note is indicated by the addition of a stem 因此全音符沒有符干,二分音符(全音符長度的一半)的時值,用在全音符上加一條符干來表示。

Thus 3 / 4 indicates three quarter notes or crotchets in a measure ( bar ) , 4 / 2 indicates four half notes or minims , 6 / 8 indicates six 8th notes or quavers 3 / 4表示一小節有三個四分音符, 4 / 2表示四個二分音符, 6 / 8表示六個八分音符。

Filling quantity of all pumps is adjusted in a lump , minim adjustable for each pump . easy and quick operate 裝量調整方便,可一次調整全部計量泵的填充量,也可針對各個計量泵進行微輻調整;操作簡便,調整快速。

With minim flow velocity of pain killer bump , the department developed the research on the observation of the concentration of painkiller medicines 開展了微量流速止痛泵臨床觀察血液中止痛藥物濃度的研究。

Abstract : al2o3 moisture sensor is a new type water sensor , which can measure minim water 文摘:氧化鋁濕度傳感器是一種新型的測量微量水分的傳感器,在物料干燥和環境濕度監測中都具有重要的應用。

When the pitch of the grating sensor is 20 m , the system can achieve 20 division , and the system minim resolving power is 1 m 針對柵距為20 m的光柵傳感器完成了20細分,分辨率達到1 m 。

A double dotted half note or minim is equal in length to three quarter notes or crotchets and an 8th note or quaver 半音加兩個符點,時值等于三個四分音符或一個八分音符。

Activex control to set maximum and minim - add this control to your form and set the max and min properties 在你的窗體上增加這個控件,并設置它的最大和最小屬性。

My each minim success will come into their eyes and enter into their heart by magnified style 我的每一滴成功,都如同經過放大鏡,進入他們的瞳孔,攝入他們心底。

Quavers , crotchets and minims are three of the different lengths of note in written music 和二分音符在樂譜上是不同長度的三個音符。

The aapplication of minim farina by oil immersed method at identify jewelry and cultural relic 微粉末油浸法在珠寶文物鑒定中的應用

An analysis of breast minim calcification without palpable mass in 18 cases 乳腺具有鈣化灶未觸及腫塊18例臨床分析