
minify vt.弄小(少),使縮小;削減;輕視。


And with its result , 1 : 2000 digital maps of the surroundings in lake dianchi are minified to 450 square kilometers 1 . 10000 digital maps . this paper will deal with the theoretical principle of the applied programs the methods of the underwater topography surveying and the principle of the data processing program and digital mapping program , analyze the rationality and operability and automatic extent of the outside and inside working methods and the data processing program . according to the working experiences , this paper generalizes a low cost , practical and automatic method of underwater topographic survey hi inland lake and river basin 昆明理工大學碩士研究生論文論文摘要( abs切act )本文就項目所涉及的理論基礎、技術方法、作業手段、數據處理、內業成圖等方面的內容進行系統地闡述;并介紹了項目實施中所采用的一些特色技術、特殊方法,以期為類似項目在應用方面提供有價值的、合理的、操作性強的、自動化程度高的、能降低成本的、提高經濟效益的實用技術、方法和經驗。

“ electronic 1c chip drawing system “ provides many functions such as “ modify the position of the component ' s diagram “ “ modify the color of the component ' s diagram “ “ magnify and minify the component ' s diagram without distortion “ “ change the type of drawing line “ “ edit some physical properties of the component “ “ copy and paste diagram of one component “ “ delete one or more component diagrams “ “ move more than one components “ positions “ “ change the z _ order of the diagram , set it to back or bring it to front “ “ save the drawing of the electronic components to one file and the file extension name is * . brd “ “ print the drawing “ . users can finish all these functions easily by clicking and dragging the mouse 電路板元器件繪制系統主要完成了使用鼠標拖拽、鼠標點按的方式繪制電路板上各種常見的元器件圖形;編輯電路板上元器件圖形的位置;編輯元器件圖形的顏色;不失真的對器件圖形進行放大和縮小;編輯元器件圖形的線型;編輯電路板上各個器件的物理屬性(比如電阻的阻值大小、電容的容量大小、額定電壓等) ;復制已經繪制出的電路板上的器件;粘貼剪貼板上的器件;刪除單個或多個已經繪制出的器件圖形;同時改變多個器件圖形的位置;改變繪制區內各個元器件的zorder順序,也就是可以將層疊在一起的圖形置前或置后;把繪制的電路板器件圖保存到指定文件中;能打開、查看和修改保存的電路板器件圖;打印電路板器件圖。

In fact , scaling technology is an essential component in many image / video processing such as to magnify / minify still image , to achieve special effect like picture - in - picture , to compress or transform digital video with spatial scalability etc . in this thesis we mainly employ this technology in video transcoding , which is a powerful but computationally intensive tools to convert one kind of video format into another , meeting different demand such as lower bitrates or various display terminals . in sum , there are two kinds of scaling schemes : one is in spatial domain and the other in transform domain . the scheme in transform domain can provide very good performance , that is , efficient computation and desirable image quality , whereas it has some disadvantage which is impossible or hardly to o vercome , especially some scenarios require arbitrary ratio zoom in horizontal and vertical , and excellent visual effect 兩種方法都各有其利弊:變換域的方法是利用現有常用的視頻壓縮方案都是基于dct這個特點,所以可以直接在變換域做處理,這樣可以節省大量的計算,但其缺點是由于dct是基于塊的變換,如8 8 ,所以很難找到一種方案可以進行任意比例的縮放,尤其是在縱橫縮放比例不一致的情形,但這對諸如hd縮放到sd和空域分級的壓縮方案來說尤為重要,基于空域濾波的方法卻沒有這樣的限制,同時可以保證縮放后的圖像的質量遠高于基于變換域的方法,為了達到高的縮放質量,就不可避免導致計算量過大。

As for high - energy linear induction accelerator , miniaturizing pulse - forming line ( pfl ) is helpful to minify the size of the massive pulsed power system . at the same time , wealth and space could be economized 同時脈沖形成線小型化對于一臺大型直線感應加速器來說,不僅有利于減小其龐大的脈沖功率系統,而且節省了大量的財力資源和空間體積。

Use micro computer temperature control system to detect temperature on each heater . this system can get accurate temperature and minify temperature tolerance to meet the range of sealing temperature of packing film 采多點式微電腦溫度控制系統,將溫度控制在包材的標準溫度最小值內,有助于提升封口封合的穩定性及降低包材的耗損率。

Heat installation continues rising , condenser water drops to the temperature of drainage , temperature - sensing component in top material will minify with cold , leave port a , drawoff the condense water quickly 溫度繼續升高,閥內溫度超過該閥感溫元件所排水溫度時,頂桿的位移使a口關閉。

Produce any multipage typeset file . can magnify or minify export at will , function of auto imposition to multipage small picture 可制作任意多頁的排版文件,可隨意放大縮小輸出,多頁小幅面可自動拼版輸出。

In the electronic component drawing system , i use “ vectorgraph “ to magnify and minify the diagram without any distortion 電路板元器件繪制系統采用“矢量圖”的方法實現了不失真的圖形放大和縮小。

Gets a value that indicates that the device supports per - stage bilinear interpolation filtering for minifying textures 獲取一個值,該值指示設備是否支持在縮小紋理時進行每貼圖層雙線性插補篩選。

Gets a value that indicates that the device supports per - stage anisotropic filtering for minifying textures 獲取一個值,該值指示設備是否支持在縮小紋理時進行每貼圖層各向異性篩選。

Gets a value that indicates that the device supports per - stage point - sample filtering for minifying textures 獲取一個值,該值指示設備是否支持在縮小紋理時進行每貼圖層點取樣篩選。

If the device supports per - stage bilinear interpolation filtering for minifying textures ; otherwise , 如果設備支持在縮小紋理時進行每貼圖層雙線性插補篩選,則為

If the device supports per - stage anisotropic filtering for minifying textures ; otherwise , 如果設備支持在縮小紋理時進行每貼圖層各向異性篩選,則為

If the device supports per - stage point - sample filtering for minifying textures ; otherwise , 如果設備支持在縮小紋理時進行每貼圖層點取樣篩選,則為