
mingy adj.〔英口〕卑鄙的;吝嗇的,小氣的。


They were a mingy lot . he laughed suddenly . the colonel used to say : lad , the english middle classes have to chew every mouthful thirty times because their guts are so narrow , a bit as big as a pea would give them a stoppage 他突然笑了起來, “上校常常說:孩子喲,英國的中等級的人每口東西都得咀嚼三十回,因為,他們的食道太狹,只要一粒小豆子便要把他們窒塞。

They re the mingiest set of ladylike snipe ever invented : full of conceit of themselves , frightened even if their boot - laces aren t correct , rotten as high game , and always in the right 他們都是一些女性的可憐蟲,虛榮而驕傲,甚至鞋帶松了也要大驚小怪的。他們腐爛的象貓獸的肉,而且常常是自以為對的。

Because when i feel the human world is doomed , has doomed itself by its own mingy beastliness , then i feel the colonies aren t far enough “因為當我覺得人類的卑鄙到了無可救藥的時候,我便覺得殖民地并不怎么遠。甚至月亮也并不怎么遠。

My godmother never gives me anything but a mingy ten shillings at christmas . 我的教母除了在圣誕節很吝嗇地給我十個先令外,什么也不給我。