
mingle vt.使相混,使混合。 with mingled fee...


Nature prevailed; and while she shed tears for her sister's distress and danger, there mingled with them bitter drops of grief for her own degradation . 這真是天性難違!因此,當她為妹妹的痛苦和危險的處境流淚時,其中也攙雜著為自己的身分降低而流的辛酸之淚。

At that moment the doubtful attractiveness of romola's face was transfigured to the most loveable womanliness by mingled pity and affection . 這時候,羅摩拉的臉,她那令人捉摸不定的動人之處,轉變成為憐憫和深情摻合而成的最最可愛的女性的溫柔。

A human understanding and a natural ability to mingle with all men on a basis of equality are more important than any degree of technical skill . 以本質才能與人類同情,在平等的基礎上,對人處事,實比任何巧妙的技術更為重要。

Mingled with the crowd were about twenty rough-looking men-stranger to the townwho wore huge green rosettes and loudly applauded the speakers . 有二十來個粗眉大眼的陌生漢子帶著綠色的大玫瑰花結混在群眾中間高聲為演講人喝采。

She was liberally doused with a flowery perfume which mingled with the buttery, cowlike aroma from a bag of popcorn they had been eating . 她灑了好些花露香水,香水的氣味和他們正在吃的一袋爆玉米花的黃油、牛奶香味混在一起。

As these broad black raindrops mingle with the waste of waters, making a trifling and momentary eddy, and are then lost for ever . 就象這些沉重的黑色的雨點一樣落在茫茫大海里,只引起一道微不足道、瞬息的漣漪,從此永無蹤影。

The remains of ancient rome mingled exotically with the half-tropical luxuriance, and excited in her new and subtle emotions . 古羅馬的殘跡與半熱帶狀的富饒交混在一起,顯出一種異國情調,在她的心里喚起新的微妙的情感。

It is characteristic of city life that all sorts of people meet and mingle together who never fully comprehend one another . 城市生活的一個極大特征就是,各種各樣的人互相見面又互相混雜在一起,但卻從未互相充分了解。

The girl looked up archly at the indian, smiling with the innocence of a child, mingled with the interest of a woman . 姑娘調皮地看著印第安人,象小孩一樣天真地笑了,在她的微笑中還流露出女人對這類事情的興趣。

In acquired politeness of manners, when it happened that she mingled a little in society, mrs. butler was, of course, judged deficient . 巴特勒夫人偶爾參加交際活動,在禮儀或客套方面,她誠然有些欠缺。

Immediately below the oxide film and often mingled with it in an intricate way is the true surface layer of the metal . 氧化膜的下面就是真正的金屬表層,氧化膜常常與金屬表面層以復雜的形式混合在一起。

When they had paid their tribute of politeness by curtseying to the lady of the house, they were permitted to mingle in the crowd . 她們殷勤,有禮貌地問候了這家的女主人,然后就加入到人群中間去。

It was no wonder, for the physicians, by the emperor's order, had mingled a sleeping potion in the hogsheads of wine . 實際上這也不足為奇,因為醫生們奉了皇帝圣旨,事先曾在酒里摻了一種安眠藥水。

It is a poisonous deadly contagion mingling with the blood, whose center or fountain is in the liver . 這是一種致命的毒液和身里的血混在一起的疾病,這種毒液集中的地方,或者總源就是肝。

Dark comedy refers rather to the tragicomic form in which laughter and despair are inextricably mingled . 黑色喜劇一詞更確切地說是把笑聲和絕望難解難分地結合在一起的那種悲喜劇形式。

The anger which had mingled with his first sensation of relief detached itself and grew in force . 和他第一次釋然于懷的感覺混雜在一起的那種憤怒現在分離出來了,而且越來越有力量了。

This, though it is but cold dish mingled with oatmeal, yet makes a good enough dish for a hungry man . 這雖然是冷水拌燕麥,然而對于一個餓透了的人來說,已經是一頓相當豐富的晚飯了。

I have mingled among them in my time, and been almost withered by the shade into which they cast me . 我在那里的時候曾經跟他們交往,可是他們的陰影把我遮蓋住了,使我黯然失色。

When i mingled with other families i distinctly discerned how peculiarly fortunate my lot was . 在我接觸到別的一些家庭之后,我清楚地體會到自己可謂得天獨厚的天之驕子。