
minerva n.【羅馬神話】米諾瓦〔司智慧、學問、戰爭等的女神〕。


His eyes were blue , his complexion rubicund , his figure almost portly and well - built , his body muscular , and his physical powers fully developed by the exercises of his younger days . his brown hair was somewhat tumbled ; for while the ancient sculptors are said to have known eighteen methods of arranging minerva s tresses , passepartout was familiar with but one of dressing his own : three strokes of a large - tooth comb completed his toilet 他的臉相當胖,胖得自己都能看到自己的顴骨。他身軀魁梧,肩寬腰圓,肌肉結實,而且力大非凡。他所以有這樣健壯的體格,都是他青年時代鍛煉的結果,他那棕色的頭發總是亂蓬蓬的,如果說古代雕塑家懂得密涅瓦十八種處理頭發的技藝,那么路路通卻只懂得一種:拿起粗梳子,刷,刷,刷!

This movement was accompanied by killing glances at mademoiselle danglars , and by sighs launched in the same direction . mademoiselle danglars was still the same - cold , beautiful , and satirical . not one of these glances , nor one sigh , was lost on her ; they might have been said to fall on the shield of minerva , which some philosophers assert protected sometimes the breast of sappho 騰格拉爾小姐還是一如既往冷淡漂亮和好諷刺,那種眼光和那種嘆息,沒有一次不經過她的眼睛和耳朵但那種眼光和嘆息可以說是落到了文藝女神密娜伐的盾牌上面那副盾牌,據某些哲學家考證,好幾次保護了希臘女詩人薩弗的胸膛。

All the rest of her is body , out of which she spins her thread , often hanging suspended by it , in the same attitude as when minerva touched her and transformed her into a spider 剩下的便是軀體,她從體內抽絲紡線,常常懸掛在那游絲上,跟當年密涅瓦觸摸她把她變成蜘蛛時的情形完全一樣。

While they were dancing phoebus treated minerva to salad bowls of negus , and neptune sat in state among seven or eight women who regaled him with cakes 在跳舞的時候,太陽神請智慧女神喝了幾盆色拉酒海神則端端莊莊地坐在七八個女人中間,她們在請他吃糕點。

“ let minerva try her skill with mine , “ said she , “ if beaten , i will pay the penalty . “ minerva heard this and was displeased “讓密涅瓦來與我比試一下吧, ”她說道, “如果我輸了,甘愿受罰。 ”密涅瓦聽到這個消息后很不高興。

Toward mortals mars could show himself , on occasion , as vindictive as his fair foe , minerva , the unwearied daughter of jove 對于凡人,馬爾斯有時表現得就跟他那美貌的對手、朱庇特的那永不怠倦的女兒密涅瓦一樣的復仇心切。

The march past of the gods , neptune , pluto , minerva and the rest , was well - nigh spoiling everything 天神接二連三地出現,差點把整個戲搞糟了。天神中有海神地獄神智慧女神,等等。

“ let minerva try her skill with mine , “ said she ; “ if beaten , i will pay the penalty . “讓密涅瓦來與我比試一下吧, ”她說道, “如果我輸了,甘愿受罰。 ”

Phoebus appeared as the postillion of lonjumeau and minerva as a norman nursemaid 太陽神扮成隆朱莫驛站的馬車夫。智慧女神扮成諾曼底的奶娘。

Juno and minerva were furious and threatened to settle matters with him 朱諾和密涅瓦惱羞成怒,威脅要和他算賬。

Minerva forbore no longer , nor interposed any further advice 密涅瓦再也不能容忍了,她也不再提出進一步的忠告。

What do you suggest , minerva 米勒娃,你想說什么?

What do you suggest , minerva ? 米勒娃,你想說什么?

How could one choose among juno , minerva and venus 在朱諾、密涅瓦和維納斯之間怎樣才能做出選擇呢?

Hilda bent her minerva - like head in silence 康妮固執起來了。

One would have said that minerva herself had taught her 人們會說,她是密涅瓦親手教的。

“let minerva try her skill with mine,“ said she; “if beaten, i will pay the penalty. “ “讓密涅瓦來與我比試一下吧,”她說道,“如果我輸了,甘愿受罰。”

For her minerva aided and endowed with courage and discernment . 因為密涅瓦幫助她,給了她勇氣和洞察力。

He disputed athens with minerva . 他和密涅瓦爭奪雅典。