
mineralogy n.礦物學。


It has been proved that large - area medium - acid magmatic rocks have well developed in this area and had close relation with some au or cu ore deposits and mineralized spots . but till now little research has been done for mineralization potentiality of medium - acid magmatic rocks , especially in the aspect of genetic mineralogy 已有的工作表明,本區礦床和礦化點( au , cu )與中酸性巖漿巖有關,但迄今尚未對其成礦潛力進行過研究,特別是還未從成因礦物學角度進行研究。

The two favorite studies of my youth were botany and mineralogy , and subsequently , when i learned that the use of simples frequently explained the whole history of a people , and the entire life of individuals in the east , as flowers betoken and symbolize a love affair , i have regretted that i was not a man , that i might have been a flamel , a fontana , or a cabanis . 我年輕的時候最喜愛的兩門功課就是植物學和礦物學。后來,我又知道,在東方各國,草藥的使用常常可以解釋一個民族的全部歷史和個人的整個生涯,正如各種花可以說明它們的情思一樣。當時,我后悔我不是個男人,否則,我倒也許可以成為弗賴米爾一三三一四一八,法國煉金術家。

On the consideration of both teachers and students , it offers a multimedia courseware based on constructivism teaching theory , which serves as a guide in < wp = 5 > teaching and learning mineralogy through deliberate design and accurate expression . the system will be valuable in mending the exiting teaching pattens which offer only courseware and sometimes even do n ' t serve teaching at all 從教師和學生兩個方面考慮,進行精心的設計,以準確的表達方式,推出基于建構主義教學理論的《礦物學》多媒體課件,指導教師和學生有效利用《礦物學》多媒體課件系統進行教和學。

In this paper , the researches on the substitutions of ca - polyhedral , p - tetrahedral and channel positions in apatite structure are reviewed , the structural sites , substitution forms and mechanism of isomorphic ions are discussed , and the influence of the substitution of this mineral upon the environmental mineralogy is briefly described 摘要綜述了作為重要環境礦物材料的磷灰石在鈣位、四面體位和結構通道位置上類質同象替換的研究進展,討論了替換離子的結構占位、替換形式和機理,并就替換對這種礦物在環境治理領域應用的影響進行了簡要評述。

The main conclusions and cognitions are as follows : ( l ) rockmass weathering should be studied from either microcosmic and macrocosmic , microcosmic contain includes of mineralogy and of lithology , and in macrocosmic , weathering action damages integrality of rockmass , so studying rockmass structure can open out weathered degree of epigenetic - surface rockmass . ( 2 ] the dissertation sums up the characteristic indexes which can token weathered and unloaded degree , simultaneously , puts forth and summerizes several methods that classifies different weathered and relaxed zones of slope rockmass . ( 3 ) river valley epigenetic - surface reformation is controlled by rockmass structure , but weathering and unloading of rockmass is the direct cause which leads to different epigenetic - surface physical geology phenomena , for example , collapse , landslide , incline , dynam - relaxed and so on 本文主要結論與認識為: ( 1 )對于巖體風化的研究從微觀與宏觀兩方面入手,微觀方面重視對礦物學、巖石學的研究,宏觀方面,上升到巖體結構被改造的高度進行研究; ( 2 )歸納了表征巖體風化、卸荷程度的特征指標并提出了劃分巖體風化、卸荷程度的幾種方法; ( 3 )巖體結構控制著河谷淺表改造,但導致崩塌、滑坡、傾倒、松動等表生物理地質現象的直接原因乃是巖體的風化、卸荷。

Comparing with the granitoid from jiaodong guojialing in mineralogy , the minerals in the granitoid in nimu - qushui granitoid crystallized in the environment of oxidization , the granitoid has a characteristic of rich volatile components and a high content of alkali , the rock - forming minerals and accessory minerals have a characteristic of i - type granite , and the granite shows a characteristic in favor of an and cu ore formation 通過與膠東郭家嶺地區的花崗巖類的礦物學進行對比,可知本區花崗巖類礦物結晶時處于氧化狀態,具有富含揮發分的特征,堿質含量高,造巖礦物及副礦物表現出型花崗巖特征,具有殼幔混源物質,表現出有利于金、銅礦形成的花崗巖類的礦物特征。

On the basis of study on petrology , volcanic geology , geochemistry , isotopic chronology , antitheses of the regional strata and 4 suits of volcanic rock stratum of the yanshan - liaoning area , the rhythm of yanshanian volcanic activity is divided into 1 gigantic - cycle , 4 cycles , 11 micro - cycles , 24 sub - cycles and many rhythms . in addition , the temporal and spatial evolution and regional contrast of every - level rhythms are discussed . 3 . based on the study on classifications of rhythm of volcanic activity and regional contrast , the petrology , mineralogy , geochemistry , and isotopic characteristics of every - level rhythms are discussed 2 、通過對燕遼地區燕山期發育的四套火山巖的巖石學、火山地質學、地球化學、同位素年代學的綜合研究,通過運用綜合方法進行區域地層對比和分析火山噴發盆地火山巖地層特征的基礎上,將本區燕山期火山活動節律,劃分為1個二級節律(大旋回) 、 4個三級節律(旋回) 、 11個亞三級節律(小旋回) 、 24個四級節律(亞旋回)和多個五級節律(韻律)等,論述了各級火山活動節律特征及其時空演化和區域對比。

Thus , the paper focuses on mineralogy , petrology , petrogeochemistry , isotopic chorology , and sr - nd - pb isotopes of the mafic intrusions and dikes in fujian province , se china . in addition , we also discussed the process of the plate subduction , mantle evolution , crust - mantle interaction , lithospheric thinning and extension , and the reaction for crustal extensi on in fujian province , se china . ( 1 ) daiqianshan mafic intrusion is situated along the changle - nanao fault , which intruded in the metamorphic rocks 基于此,本文以中國東南部福建省的基性脈巖、巖體為研究對象,運用系統的礦物學、巖石學、巖石地球化學、同位素地球化學及同位素年代學證據,詳細論述了晚中生代中國東南部板塊俯沖、地幔演化、殼幔相互作用及巖石圈伸展減薄的地球動力學過程,探討了地殼拉張期次在福建省區域構造上的響應。

Through charoma theory and metal - bearing ores “ color index analysis , the color of the turquoise is quantitated . crystal field spectra of cu2 + ion have been analysed and compared with the oretical calculations , the results show that the basic color of turquoise ( azure ) is related to the existence of cu2 + octahedron . in this charpter , quantum mineralogy theory is used in quantity 通過吸收光譜實驗,利用量子礦物學的有關知識,對綠松石中銅離子的晶體場譜進行了計算,并利用晶體場理論解釋了綠松石吸收光譜,揭示了綠松石顏色形成的主要原因是聯系著晶體場譜的顏色:過渡金屬銅離子對綠松石的顏色起主要作用? ?決定了綠松石的基本色調(天藍色) 。

The multimedia courseware and test - library system for mineralogy aims to improve the teachers “ teaching effect and the students “ study effiency , and to offer assistant programs based on modern computer technology . at the beginning of 1990 ' s , the leading government intervened the subject and started the led , planed and organized development of the publishing works on electrical - medium teaching 通過運用現代計算機技術開發《礦物學》多媒體課件及題庫系統,旨在增強《礦物學》課程的教學效果,提高學生的學習效率,為教學提供基于現代計算機技術的服務方案,讓教授過程和學習過程變得更輕松、更美好。

The scholars insisting on transgression provided many markers such as mineralogy , lithology , paleoecology and geochemistry , but these makers are not completely the same as normal marine makers , moreover , the passageway and obviously increased makers of transgression have not been discovered , so “ marine flooding “ , “ tsunami “ and “ terrestrial facies “ appear , these viewpoints have coexisted for a long time 盡管“海侵”論者提供了礦物學、巖石學、古生態學以及地球化學等多種標志,但是因為這些標志與標準海相標志比較,都有一定差別,而且至今沒有發現確實可靠的海侵通道和明顯的海相性遞增現象,所以又出現了“海泛”論、 “海嘯”論和“陸相”論。

Comparison of the characteristic parameters of immobile elements , such as ree , sc , th , ti etc and of the characteristics of sedimentology and mineralogy comes to a conclusion that the provenance of the sediment is different in the last glacial maximum and in the sub - interglacial stage , and they have the traits of mixed source . during the last glacial maximum the sediment in the outshelf of the southern east china sea was affected weakly by changjiang river and they are probably derived from the coast mountains of zhejiang - fujian province , which are near the southern east china sea 通過對東海外陸架樣品的稀土元素和sc , th , ti等不活潑元素地球化學物源示蹤指標對比,再結合沉積學和礦物學特征,判斷末次盛冰期與盛冰期以前的沉積物具有不同的物質來源,不同時期的沉積物都具有混合物源的性質,盛冰期東海南部外陸架沉積物受長江物源影響較小,可能來源于距東海南部較近的浙閩沿海山地。

The dissertation uses mineralogy principle to research the content and character of aeolian , in order to realize the original of aeolian ; and also uses existing multiple information and basic materials of the research region ( including data of geology , geography , hydrology , meteorology , economy , human culture and dem ) , to study the driving factors of the desertification in the region and the connection between the desertification and its driving factors with the methods of probability , statistics , curvilinear estimation , logical analysis , principal component analysis . on the basis of the ca ( cellular automata ) method , the dissertation constructs a corresponding mathematical model of the desertification - geoca desertification model , and realizes the dynamic analysis and evaluation of the desertification evolution of the capital and its neighboring area 在方法上運用礦物學研究的基本方法和原理對研究區風沙成分進行了初步分析,探討了研究區風沙物源的主要成因與特征;根據已有的多元信息基礎資料及研究成果(地質、地理、水文氣象、經濟、人文以及dem數據等) ,運用概率統計、層次分析等數學方法綜合研究了土地沙漠化與各驅動因子之間的相關關系,確定了研究區土地沙漠化主要驅動因子,在此基礎上運用元胞自動機ca ( cellularautomata )的基本原理,建立土地沙漠化演化數學模型: geoca - desertification模型,對首都及鄰區土地沙漠化演化趨勢進行了探索性模擬分析與評價。

Modern , list nephrite in nephrite between mineralogy and malachite study after the category in the world , some of gentle jade serpentine jade and poor fossil pre - pressing zoisite , similar china only mountain jade bao , called the nephrite too , obviously mix the non - real jade as the real jade 在現代,國際上把和田玉列入軟玉礦物學和玉石學范疇后,有的把鮑文玉蛇紋石玉和糟化石致密黝簾石,相似中國獨山玉,也稱為軟玉,顯然把非真玉混為真玉了。

So the true variety of martian mineralogy started to become apparent only in 2001 , when themis , an infrared camera that my group developed for another nasa orbiter , mars odyssey , began mapping the planet with 100 - meter resolution 因此直到2001年themis (我的研究團隊為nasa的另一艘軌道船火星奧德賽號所發展的紅外線攝影機)開始以100公尺的解析度描繪火星,實際的火星礦物種類才變得明確。

Based on the educational teaching idea and approach , service patten and developing tools , the “ the multimedia courseware and test - library system for mineralogy “ is made to meet the needs of the teaching practice 針對實際教學需要,基于先進的教學思想、教學方法、服務模式、開發工具進行《礦物學多媒體課件及題庫系統解決方案》的研發。

The important roles of biominerals in reconstruction of palaeoenvironment . in shengrong li and junfeng shen . mineralogy and geochemistry : resources , environment and life . beijing : geological publishing house 生物礦物與古環境重建研究及其存在的幾個問題.自然科學與博物館研究,北京,高等教育出版社: 146 - 151

Morcerf had expected he should be the guide ; on the contrary , it was he who , under the count s guidance , followed a course of arch ? ology , mineralogy , and natural history 馬爾塞夫原以為應該由他來指導伯爵的,而實際卻恰恰相反,倒是他在伯爵的指導之下上了一堂考古學,礦物學和博物學的課。

Mineralogy test and analysis of raw material source on the jades unearthed in the sacrificial sites of eastern zhou dynasty in houma 侯馬東周祭祀遺址出土玉器材質的礦物學測試及產源分析