
mineralogist n.礦物學家。


So amazing are the rose quartz crystals that the first ones discovered were dismissed as fakes by mineralogists from around the world . if rutile needles are present in the rose quartz then a star effect or asterism is sometimes seen 好的芙蓉晶不帶有任何的白色石紋,其顏色嬌嫩明亮而靈活,晶體表面光澤會呈現如水分般飽滿甚至油脂般光滑溫潤的質地。

As a kind of special industrial raw materials , porous minerals and rocks have been playing more and more important roles in the environmental remediation materials and are arousing great interest among mineralogists 摘要具有多孔結構的礦物(巖石)作為一類特殊的工業原材料,在環境修復領域的應用前景正在成為研究熱點。