
mineralogical adj.礦物學(上)的。


This study was focused on the occurrence characteristics of the cryptomelane - bearing ores and the mineralogical characteristics of natural cryptomelane . the morphology , chemical and structure features of natural cryptomelane were characterized by means of powder x - ray diffraction , scanning electron microscopy , electron probe microanalyzer , energy dispersive spectrometer and x - ray fluorescence 利用x -射線粉晶衍射掃描電鏡電子探針電子能譜和x熒光光譜對天然錳鉀礦的形貌特征化學成分結構特征進行研究,結果表明天然錳鉀礦晶體形態主要為針狀纖維狀,沿

Abstract : syenite is an important raw material in glass and ceramic industry . we got the bottle glass and construction ceramics using yaoan syenite and others . the technological flowsheet of production and the mineralogical composition and property of the glass and ceramic materials were studied in this paper 文摘:本研究擬開發利用云南姚安及其周邊地區正長巖、石英砂、粘土等非金屬礦產資源,將其作為制備陶瓷或玻璃的主要原料,經過一定的加工和制備工藝,得到建筑陶瓷制品或玻璃,確定采用本地區的非金屬礦產資源原料制備建筑陶瓷制品或玻璃的工藝參數。

According to the museum , it is the biggest of its kind in germany and one of the five biggest in the world with more than 30 million objects in its zoological , palaeontological , geological and mineralogical collections and with its exhibition halls with an area of about 6500 square meters 館方說,這是德國首見最大的展覽,也是全世界五大展覽之一,共將展出逾3 , 000萬件動物學、古生物學、地質學及礦物學收藏品,展覽館總面積約6 , 500平方公尺。

The mineralogical characteristics suggest that different rock types of kuzigan intrusion are products of the same magma , and that the magma , instead of being affected much by fractional crystallization , has dominantly experienced equilibrating crystallization 研究表明,苦子干巖體中的不同巖石類型系同源巖漿演化的產物;巖漿在整個演化過程中平衡結晶作用占主導,分離結晶作用的影響極小。

Abstract : by means of mineralogical study of earlier slag samples of the flash furnaceanalyze the mineralogical composition and its variation , so that expose oxidation atmosphere in furnace and required controlled parts in the later smelting 文摘:本文通過對閃速爐前期爐渣的礦物學研究,分析礦物的組成及變化情況,以揭示爐內氧化氣氛的強度及在后期冶煉中需注意控制的部分。

This session will present new structural , mineralogical , petrochemical , geochronological , and geophysical data based on the drilling results and associated field studies , particularly in the dabie - sulu region 本專題將展示蘇魯地區基于鉆進和相關野外調查所獲得的構造學、礦物學、巖石學、地球化學、地球物理等方面的新的資料。

Sediment composition and mineralogical constituents can exert primary and local influence on color reflectance , so sedimentary environment , sedimentary process and material source can be inferred by sediment color spectral 顏色反射率可以反映沉積物的物質組成和礦物學信息,進而反映沉積環境、沉積作用和物質來源。

The variation characteristics of mineral components , mineralogical features and surface of activated palygorstite clay as well as the related factors are summed up in this paper 坡縷石粘土酸化機理及影響因素研究對其高效利用具有重要理論意義和實踐價值。

From a chemical - mineralogical point of view , emeralds are beryllium - aluminium - silicates with a good hardness of 7 . 5 to 8 , and belong , like the light blue 從化學礦物學角度來看,祖母綠是鈹鋁的硅酸鹽礦物,有良好的硬度,在摩氏硬度表中為

The effects of enamel matrix proteins and bone morphogenetic protein 2 on cell mineralogical property by cultured human periodontal ligament cells 釉基質蛋白和骨形成蛋白對牙周膜成纖維細胞礦化能力的影響

Mineralogical properties of clay minerals from liulitun sanitary landfill in beijing and its absorption capability of benzene 北京市六里屯垃圾填埋場的粘土礦物學特征及其對苯的吸附研究

Gemmological - mineralogical features and forming conditions of staurolite , kyanite and sillimanite from north of shanxi province 十字石和紅柱石的寶石礦物學特征及形成條件

Mineralogical typomorphic characteristics of stibnite in the xikuangshan antimony deposit , hunan province 湘西沃溪鎢銻金礦床輝銻礦脈礦物學特征及其礦床成因指示

Mineralogical characteristics study of natural cryptomelane in the xialei manganese deposit , guangxi 廣西下雷錳礦床中錳鉀礦的礦物學特征

Mineralogical paragenetic relationships of au - ag tellurides in some gold deposits of china 我國某些金礦床中金銀碲化物礦物的共生關系

Mineralogical phase rule 礦物相律

Study on mineralogical characteristic of pyrite in huang - sha gold deposition of jiangxi 江西黃沙金礦床黃鐵礦礦物學特征研究

Mineralogical features of qidashan iron ore and properties of qidashan dressing plant 齊大山礦石礦物學特性及選礦廠工藝特點

Mineralogical study on fluorphlogopite from the bayan obo ore deposit 本報告對于國際礦物學協會所批準的角閃石命名法