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mineral rights 開礦權。

mineral spring

The mineral resource right has been constructed in the mineral law in 1986 , but the acknowledgement on the right of mineral resource has not been accepted widely and the mineral resource has been acquired without any cost , until the property feature has been established in the mineral resource law updated in 1996 . in the economic market , the assessing on mineral right has become more and more important in management of the mineral right market with the development of the mineral right system 在我國, 1986年礦產資源法確立了礦業權,但是由于對礦產資源的財產權屬認識不夠,對其一直實行無償取得制度。 1996年修改后的礦產資源法明確了礦業權的財產屬性。在市場經濟條件下,隨著礦業權制度的不斷完善,礦業權評估在礦業權市場運作中的作用也顯得日益重要。

The thesis then explores the fundamentals and legal nature of mineral rights from a property law angle , and examines the implication and legal forms taken by compensated transfer system , with a highlight over the rights and obligations of the parties involved in the transfer process . a set of compensated transfer procedures based on china ' s reality is proposed in the thesis 接著,文章從物權法的角度對礦業權的基本內涵與法律特征、礦業權有償出讓的含義及法律形式加以探討,著重闡明了礦業權有償出讓法律關系主體雙方的權利和義務,并結合實踐設計了一套礦業權有償出讓的操作程序。

Several methods have been utilized to assess the mineral right . however , all the method cannot get a successful result . three exploration right area with uniform mineral genre and uniform mineral zone in the east tian mountain are selected as the assessing object , which belong to the different exploration stage 現對探礦權評估有很多方法,但是每種評估方法都有其弊端,本文選取了三個同礦種,同礦帶的東天山勘查招商單元探礦權區域作為評估對象,這三個勘查區域勘查工作程度不同,分別是地質前景不明朗的預查階段,地質前景較明朗的預查階段和普查階段。

The once - poor world is scouring the earth for mineral rights , trying to buy californian oil firms , accounting for ever more carbon emissions and making its weight felt in international negotiations on everything from trade to proliferation to the secretary - generalship of the united nations 曾經貧窮的世界正在尋求地球上資源的開采權,設法購買加利福尼亞的石油公司,占有更多的二氧化碳的排放量和在國際談判的各個方面展現其分量,從貿易到核擴散到聯合國秘書長的事務。

The once - poor world is scouring the earth for mineral rights , trying to buy californian oil firms , accounting for ever more carbon emissions and making its weight felt in international negotiations on everything from trade to proliferation to the secretary - generalship of the united nations 這個一度貧窮的國家如今正在滿世界地尋找開采礦產資源的權利、想方設法購買美國加州的石油公司、不斷增加碳的排量并且努力使包括貿易洽談、防止武器擴散直至聯合國秘書長之爭在內的一切國際性談判事務都能夠感覺到它的存在。

Throughout the presentation of views , the thesis has stuck to the actual mineral rights administration reality , seeking to provide solutions for issues arising from the establishment of compensated transfer system and mineral rights market through logical contemplation and analysis , for the purpose of integrating theory into practice 在論述過程中,本文緊緊圍繞礦業權管理的實踐,力求通過理性的思考和分析來尋求礦業權有償出讓及礦業權市場建設中遇到的實際問題的解決途徑,以達到理論與實踐相結合的目的。

Thought modifying < guidelines for valuation of mineral right > , some people insist on utilizing some methods which was recommended in abolished < guidelines for valuation of mineral right > , so all the domestic methods about valuation of exploration right are reviewed 雖然礦業權評估指南進行了修訂,但尚有一些評估人士仍堅持原評估指南的某些方法,因而本文對國內探礦權評估所有方法進行了闡述。

The thesis first reviewed the evolution of the mineral rights transfer system from non - compensated to compensated one , and discloses the necessity and the practical implications for the implementation of compensated mineral rights system 本文首先回顧了礦業權從無償取得到有償出讓的轉變過程,指出,全面實施礦業權有償出讓法律制度不僅有其必然性,而且具有現實意義。

The analysis in comparison with the assessing value of mineral right in the east tian mountain has been finished to research the choice of assessing method in each stage and th e existing problem in the mineral right assessing 通過對東天山勘查招商區的探礦權評估價值的對比分析,來探討研究在各階段評估方法的選擇及各評估方法在現今探礦權評估中尚存在的問題。

In china , mining enterprises not only should play value - added tax and income tax like the enterprises of other industries , but also must pay the mineral resource tax , mineral right tax and mineral compensation tax 摘要我國采礦企業除了要交納其它行業企業所需交納的增值稅、所得稅等稅之外,還需交納礦產資源稅、采礦權使用費、礦產資源補償費。

The reform and implementation of the compensated transfer of mineral rights system has explicitly exposed the out - datedness of the existing governing laws and mineral rights administration concepts 礦業權有償出讓的改革與實踐已使現行法律法規和礦業權管理理念明顯滯后的弊病暴露無遺。

Example : the difficulties of exploration , acquisition of mineral rights , and high costs of establishing mining operations represent significant barriers to entry in the diamond mining business 勘探的困難、需要授權以及開采作業的高昂成本,這一切意味著進入鉆石開采業的障礙不小。

But due to the risk , uncertain prediction of exploration with mineral right , the methods to evaluating the right are being studied and has not got a successful solution 但由于探礦權的勘查的風險、地質前景的不可預測性,在國內外對它的評估方法仍處于探索階段,不夠成熟。

When we evaluate mineral right , we should select the parameters carefully and utilize the best method , finally get the more correct evaluation result of mineral right 在進行礦業權評估時,只有認真選擇各參數,使用最優方法,才能得出較為正確的評估值。

Space segments include air rights ( the right to build on top of certain property ) and mineral rights ( the right to dig underneath it ) 空間部分包括空間所有權(在某個財產之上造房子的權利)和采礦權(在地下挖掘的權利) 。

The assessing method of mineral right has been analyzed and debated to seek the optimum method in the six section of text 本文分六部分對探礦權評估方法優選進行分析和論述。 1 、國外探礦權價值評估的綜述。

Discussion and suggestion about the theories and practices of mineral right market 礦業權市場若干理論與實踐問題的討論與建議

For the mineral rights 作為買金礦的開采權

Some thoughts on mineral resource compensation fee and mineral rights use fee 礦產資源補償費與礦權使用費的幾點認識