
mineral n.1.礦物;〔口語〕礦石;【化學】無機物。2.〔英國〕...

mineral detector

Secondary uranium minerals are illustrated in a bureau of mineral resources prospector's handbook . 次生鈾礦物已列入礦物資源局的普查手冊中。

The matrix of bone contains both fibers of the protein collagen and mineral deposits . 硬骨的基質既含有蛋白質的膠原纖維,也含有礦物質沉積。

A guide to levels of minerals currently included in pig diets is given in table 5. 1 . 表51列出了豬飼料內通常添加的礦物質水平的建議值。

It occurs as an exchangeable base in the clay mineral and organic fractions of soils . 鈣是以交換性鹽基在粘土礦物及土壤的有機部分出現的。

Carbonation is the combination of carbonate or bicarbonate ions with minerals . 碳酸作用是碳酸根離子或重碳酸根離子與礦物的化合作用。

The ability of clay minerals to catalyse decarboxylation has long been recognised . 粘土礦物能催化脫羧基作用是早已認識到的問題。

The discovery also explains why helium is found in radioactive mineral deposits . 這個發現也解釋了為什么在放射性礦渣中找到了氦。

Among the mineral deposits of the province , tin occupies first place ; copper comes second . 該省礦藏,以錫最多,銅次之。

Age determination data indicate episodic crystallization of uranium minerals . 年齡測定數據表明,鈾礦物有著不同期的結晶。

In practice, this effect constitutes a background for ip mineral surveying . 實際上,這種效應構成了IP礦產調查時的背景場。

Similarly americans have been profligate in the handling of mineral resources . 同樣的,美國在處理礦產資源方面亦多浪費。

Mineral stability can depend upon the amount by which the soil is oxygenated . 礦物的穩定度可由土壤中氧化的程度所決定。

A system confined to the transport of mineral elements is known as the xylem . 專門用來運輸礦物元素的系統稱為木質部。

Silicate minerals are characteristically refractory and difficult to break down . 硅酸鹽礦物的特點是耐熔和難以分離。

Suitable minerals containing these two elements are still avidly sought . 目前還在竭力尋找含有這兩種元素的適用材料。

A group of volcanic vents will produce a lava of the same mineral composition . 一群火山口將產生相同礦物成份的熔巖。

Uranium minerals also occur in the basal beds of the kombolgie formation . 鈾礦物也見于科姆波爾吉建造的基底層位中。

The metal ion and the anion of the mineral acid form an insoluble salt . 金屬離子和無機酸的陰離子生成一種難溶的鹽。

Hence a variety of dilute mineral acids are used to extract the anions . 因此用各種稀的無機酸來萃取陰離子。