
miner n.1.礦工;地雷工兵;采礦機。2.〔pl.〕〔美商〕礦...


A coal miner ' s job is not a bed of roses 煤礦工人干的可不是舒服愜意的工作。

More than six thousand miners were killed last year 去年有6千多名礦工死亡。

Another 10 made a killing on the miners 就有十個靠賺礦工的錢發了更大的橫財

He doubles the parts of a farmhand and a miner 在這出戲里他既扮演雇農又扮演礦工。

Chinas gold miners quick money treasure hunt games 中國的黃金礦工快錢尋寶小游戲

Survey of functional constipation in coal miners 煤礦工人功能性便秘的流行病學調查

The miners worked at the face eight hours a day 礦工們在采掘面上每天工作八小時。

Study on deepsea miner route monitoring control system 深海集礦機路徑監控系統研究

A miner at the moxinpo colliery in chongqing , china 重慶磨心坡煤礦里的一名礦工。

Factor analysis of continuous miner on coal lump 連續采煤機參數對煤塊度影響的分析

Still no sign of those 6 trapped miners in utah 猶他州六名被困礦工仍無音訊。

My father was a coal miner . an anarchist 我父親是個煤礦工人一個無政府主義者

Still no sign of those six trapped miners in utah 仍沒有六名受困礦工的消息。

Still no sign of those six trapped miners in utah 猶他州的六名被困礦工仍無音訊。

Ran out of supplies before i ran out of miners 我還等我找遍所有的礦工貨就賣完了

The miners are asking for another increase in pay 煤礦工人正在要求再次加薪。

The desert heat isn ' t very forgiving to miners either 沙漠并不是很寬容地熱礦

Seventy - two miners have been found alive 爆炸發生后,井下礦工有72人得以生還。

Mining method of continuous miner used in shangwan mine 榆家梁礦基建管理經驗介紹