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mine clearance 掃雷,排雷。

mine detector

The chinese government has also , in conformity with the requirements of technological cooperation and assistance as prescribed in the protocol , provided every possible assistance to mine - affected countries by contributing to the un voluntary trust fund for mine clearance assistance and donating mine - clearance equipment directly to these countries 此外,中國政府還根據議定書有關技術合作與援助的要求,在力所能及的范圍內,通過向聯合國掃雷自愿信托基金捐款和向雷患嚴重國家贈送掃雷器材等形式,進行國際掃雷援助。

Apart from providing the two countries with demining equipment , china has sent a group of mine clearance experts to eritrea to give on - the - spot guidance 除向兩國提供掃雷器材外,中國還向厄立特里亞派出了專家小組,現場指導掃雷。

The call also pressed governments to increase resources for humanitarian mine clearance and for victim assistance 宣言同時呼吁政府增加在人道主義掃雷和受害者人道主義援助方面的投人。

In addition , the chinese government has made strenuous efforts in mine clearance , both domestically and internationally 同時,中國政府在國內和國際掃雷方面作出了積極努力。