
mine 短語和例子mine1pron.1.〔I 的物主代詞〕我的...

mine barrage

Warrior, hand of mine shall never molest your scalp . 戰士,我的手決不碰你的頭皮。

Your idea and mine do not square . 你跟我的意見不一致。

The cruiser was mined , and sank in five minutes . 該巡洋艦觸雷,于五分鐘后沉沒。

All the horizons end at the mine elevator . 一進入井的罐籠所有的視野也就消失了。

Your guess is as good as mine . 你的想法和我的一模一樣。

Soon he succumbed to silver mining fever . 沒過多久他就被開采銀礦的狂熱所感染。

“ my hair dryer 's broken . “ “ it 's ok. you can use mine . “我的吹風機壞了。

I quote the passage ; the italics are mine .. 我引用這一節,著重點是我加上的。

His tastes are in harmony with mine . 他的愛好與我的相同。

Her experiences parallel mine in many instances . 她的經歷在許多方面與我相似。

Her list does not tally with mine . 她的單子與我的不相符。

He is the only prop of mine . 他是我的唯一的靠山(支柱)。

Every dog has his day: that was mine . 凡人皆有難忘日,那天就是我難忘的日子。

Coal mining has always been a dangerous occupation . 采煤向來是一種危險職業。

A friend of mine is a cultured gentleman . 我有一個朋友,是一位有修養的紳士。

A relation of mine is coming to stay . 我有個親戚要來暫住。

Your necklace is just like mine . 你的項鏈和我的項鏈很相似。

I have to see that the mine makes a good profit . 我得負責讓煤礦取得好利潤。

At present, the mine is out of action . 現在煤礦已不能生產了