
mindoro n.(菲律賓中部的)民都洛。


Thailand , java , indo - china , burma , borneo , sumatra and philippines . merkus pine called cambodian pine sumata pine and mindoro pine by theri orgin . sometimes planted . in indonesia this species has been planted for long . export of logs banned 分布于泰國、瓜哇、中南半島、緬甸、婆羅洲、蘇門答臘及菲律賓?謨庫松是高棉人的稱呼?依產地不同亦被稱呼為蘇門答臘松及民多羅松?有造木林?印尼政府禁止該中木材外銷。

The typhoon has since weakened and is moving near mindoro island , south of manila , with winds of 150 kilometers per hour 臺風隨后勢力減弱,向馬尼拉以南的民多洛島附近方向移動,風力為每小時150公里。

On the island of mindoro , however , indigenous farmers fear they will lose their ancestral homeland to the strip - miners 然而,民都洛島的土著農民擔心,露天采礦者會使他們失去祖先留下的家園。