
mindless adj.1.不注意的,不留心的;無心的;無意識的。2.愚...


In the waning years of the manchu dynasty , the empress dowager orders prime minister li hung - chang to hold a martial arts tournament with the winner christened king of the lions . coming into peking is huang fei - hung , no . 1 martial artist of kwantung province . he is to look up his father who is hurt in one of these mindless fights 獅王大會中,黃飛鴻鬼腳七兩大蓋世腳王聯袂出獅,力戰群獅,最后經過一場浴血大戰,終打倒趙天霸,力壓群雄,奪取天青,成為中國獅王,鬼腳七亦感于黃飛鴻的仁者之風,拜黃為師。

Your father believed implicitly in the conventional truths according to which every courtesan is a heartless , mindless creature , a kind of gold - grabbing machine always ready , like any other machine , to mangle the hand that feeds it and crush , pitilessly , blindly , the very person who gives it life and movement 您父親滿腦子都是舊觀念,他認為凡是妓女都是一些沒有心肝沒有理性的生物,她們是一架榨錢的機器,就像鋼鐵鑄成的機器一樣,隨時隨地都會把遞東西給它的手壓斷,毫不留情不分好歹地粉碎保養它和驅使它的人。

But many congregations respond enthusiastically to the discovery that prayer need not be just mindless repetition of words and music from past centuries . the reality is that many of these progressive churches draw crowds to their weekly services , while more traditional ones are half - empty 事實上,這些進步的教堂吸引了成群的人們來參加他們每周組織的宗教活動,而在那些傳統保守的教堂里,半數的位子卻空著。

In the final analysis , if you are serious about climbing performance you must not be satisfied simply “ climbing for training ” , nor can you mindless adhere to old adages or train in the flawed ways as most other climbers do 最后分析,如果你很在在意攀巖的表現成績,你千萬不要滿足簡單的“攀巖就是訓練” ,你也不能不加思考地追隨老的信條或和其他大多數攀巖者一樣在一種有缺陷的方式下進行訓練。

They will literally decide which connections their brains consolidate by the choices they make : to establish healthy eating habits , to set up a timetable for study , to channel curiosity , to avoid mindless hours in front of mtv 他們將根據自己的選擇直接決定加強自己的大腦與以下各項的聯系:養成健康的吃飯習慣、制定學習的時間表、分散好奇心、避免在音樂電視前毫不思考地浪費時間。

Hari seldon ' s plan is often treated as an inevitable mechanism of society , a vast mindless mob mentality of quintillions of humans across the galaxy , and many in the series struggle against it only to fail 謝頓計劃常被認為是一種必然的社會結構論,由銀河系中數以億萬計的廣大無知群眾的心理支持著,在基地系列中許多角色試圖去對抗它,但都徒勞無功。

“ the interviews and personal accounts capture the universal fear of the collapse of society ? a living nightmare in which anymore can become a mindless , insatiable predator at a moment ' s notice 采訪和個人敘述抓緊人們對社會瓦解的普遍恐懼? ?任何人都可能在一瞬間就變成一個沒有思想、貪得無厭的掠食者可真是一個活生生的夢魘啊。

“ it ' s mindless , “ says wang lina , a researcher at the chinese academy of social sciences , a leading think tank , who says local governments are generating large amounts of wasteful investment 著名的智囊機構中國社會科學院的研究員王麗娜說, “這種行為實在很盲目” 。她還表示,地方政府正在進行許多數額巨大的無用投資。

Giacinta was unprincipled and violent : i tired of her in three months . clara was honest and quiet ; but heavy , mindless , and unimpressible : not one whit to my taste 嘉辛塔肆無忌憚,性格暴烈,過了三個月我就討厭了克萊拉誠實文靜,但反應遲鈍,沒有頭腦,很不敏感,一點也不對我口味。

Growth is useful because all those squids eat a lot , but not vital since mindless units are not demoralized if they fight on an empty stomach 由于那些烏賊都吃得很多,所以成長是很有用的領域能力,但這并非必須的,因為那些無腦的單位即便在饑餓的狀態下戰斗也不會士氣崩潰。

In short order , violence was joined by pornography , scandal , exploitation and the mindless celebration of fame for fame ' s sake 一時間,文化垃圾品種繁多,或色情文學不堪入目,或誹謗他人不擇手段,或大肆吹捧夸夸其談,或追求虛名拋棄良知,而不再僅僅局限于暴力。

“ sit down together for family meals . make it an event - a time to share news and tell stories . eating in front of the television fosters mindless munching 全家坐在一起吃飯。可以將聚餐弄成一種分享新鮮事和講故事活動。在電視前面吃飯讓人漫不經心的咀嚼食物。

They have a very different set of priorities than traditional schools and a very low regard for mindless memorization and superficial learning 這些學校同傳統學校的不同之處是他們所側重的內容不同而且他們不贊同那種不用頭腦的死記硬背和很膚淺的學習。

On a mindless saturday afternoon , a friend and i were throwing rocks onto the roof of the old lady ' s house from a secluded spot in her backyard 在一個無所事事的星期六下午,我和一個朋友從那個老太太院子的一個角落里拿來石塊,往她的房頂子上投。

We say and hear things in a mindless fashion , because what ' s really important is that our words serve as a social lubricant2 我們之所以不假思索地說著或聽著那些客套話,是因為其真正的重要性在于我們的這些客套話在社會交往中可起潤滑作用。

She said she resigned herself to the mindless graft for two decades but never gave up on her ambition to become a scientist 在這個碌碌無為的崗位上工作了20年后,有著遠大理想的江香倩毅然辭去工作,決定繼續學習,實現她成為科學家的夢想。

It is not mindless adoration ; it is not abdication of your responsibility to yourself , nor indiscriminately following of another ' s personality or whim 它不是盲目的崇拜,不是個人責任的免除,也不是毫無選擇地跟從一個人或某種奇想。

Finally , to keep my subjects permanently locked in a mindless trance , i will provide each of them with free unlimited internet access 最后,如果要讓我的敵人永遠的喪失心智,我會為他們提供免費的無限頻上網服務。

Finally , to keep my subjects permanently locked in a mindless trance , i will provide each of them with free unlimited internet access 最后,如果要讓我的敵人困在永遠的無心智狀態,我會提供他們免費無限的網際網路