
mindful adj.〔通例用作表語〕注意…的,留心…的;不忘…的 (...


Your reputation is high , and , as a young man with your fortune to make , you are probably mindful of your interest 你很有名氣,是個前程遠大的青年,也許懂得關心自己的前程。

But , he cautioned , “ we should be mindful of the risks and uncertainties that accompany these opportunities 但他提出:我們仍應該注意這些機會背后隱藏的風險及不明朗因素。

One may also wish to be mindful of anchoring the healing temples for ascension through one ' s synthesis alter 你可能也會希望記得來通過你的合成圣壇錨定到提升療愈圣殿。

As the land authority , we are mindful of the public demand for an efficient land administration system 時刻緊記市民對土地行政制度須具有效率的訴求。在二五年,本

“ banks should be mindful of the need to ensure that they earn a return adequate to cover their risk . 在此情況下,銀行應謹慎,以確保所賺取的回報足以彌補其風險。

The yankees handled wang carefully early this season , mindful of the shoulder woes he suffered late in 2005 洋基在今年對小民格外的呵護,特別注意他肩膀的問題。

Being mindful means that you are aware of what you are thinking without becoming caught up in your thoughts 領悟的意思是你知道你心里所想但不為雜念纏繞。

“ you mustn t look at me steadily then , “ she answered , mindful of the power of his eyes “那你不準這么盯著我看, ”想到他的眼睛的魅力,她于是就提醒他。

“ madenda , “ she replied , instantly mindful of the name drouet had selected in chicago “麥登達, ”她立刻想起了在芝加哥時杜洛埃替她選的姓氏,就回答說。

He also needs to be very mindful of line - of - sighting his healers : humongous no - no 他還要非常小心的確保自己處于自己治療的控制范圍之內:這絕對是禁忌。

In making the selection , we are mindful to avoid any inconvenience so caused to the passenger 在作出抽選時,我們亦時刻緊記盡量避免對旅客造成不便。

There is no greater sorrow than to be mindful of the happy time in misery 剛開始時淺黃,馬上就是深棕色,可以用得沒問題~金粉是什么?不會是假的吧?

It is wise to be mindful of your legitimate users as you implement security measures 所以在你實現安全措施的時候,留心合法用戶的反饋是很明智的。

What is man , that thou art mindful of him ? and the son of man , that thou visitest him 詩8 : 4便說、人算甚麼、你竟顧念他世人算甚麼、你竟眷顧他。

Ensure proper balance between work and rest . watch out for and be mindful of joint pain 注意工作與休息之時間要平衡分配,留意及正視關節痛楚。

What is man , that thou art mindful of him ? and the son of man , that thou visitest him 4便說,人算什么,你竟顧念他。世人算什么,你竟眷顧他。

There is no greater sorrow than to be mindful of the happy time in misery 偶也是蟹! 7 . 5的女生~ ~有沒有一天生的呀?還沒遇到過同月同日生的呢!

Don ' t allow that to happen ? be mindful of your eating , and of your hunger 不要只是為了吃而吃? ?吃的時候想想自己是在怎么吃,吃得有多飽了。

Government is mindful of the attraction of signboards for hong kong as a “ city of lights “ 政府注意到廣告招牌標志是香港夜光之都的特色。