
minder n.(家畜、機器、幼兒等的)看管人。


Sayako , 36 , wearing a simple western - style long white dress and a single - strand pearl necklace , climbed into the black prince royal limousine as formally - dressed royal minders bowed deeply and clapped . as the limousine slowly cruised to the nearby imperial hotel , the princess smiled and waved to thousands of well - wishers along the road 紀宮公主今年36歲,她身穿簡樸的西式白色長裙,帶著一長串珍珠項鏈,坐進皇太子的黑色豪華轎車里,其他穿著正式的皇室招待們深深地向她鞠了一躬,并伴以掌聲。

Sayako , 36 , wearing a simple western - style long white dress and a single - strand pearl necklace , climbed into the black prince royal as formally - dressed royal minders bowed deeply and clapped . as the limousine slowly cruised to the nearby imperial hotel , the princess smiled and waved to thousands of well - wishers along the road 紀宮公主今年36歲,她身穿簡樸的西式白色長裙,帶著一長串珍珠項鏈,坐進皇太子的黑色豪華轎車里,其他穿著正式的皇室招待們深深地向她鞠了一躬,并伴以掌聲。

Japanese princess sayako , the emperor ' s only daughter , was greeted by thousands of well - wishers as she prepared to marry a commoner at age 36 and leave the world ' s oldest monarchy . sayako , 36 , wearing a simple western - style long white dress and a single - strand pearl necklace , climbed into the black prince royal limousine as formally - dressed royal minders bowed deeply and clapped 紀宮公主今年36歲,她身穿簡樸的西式白色長裙,帶著一長串珍珠項鏈,坐進皇太子的黑色豪華轎車里,其他穿著正式的皇室招待們深深地向她鞠了一躬,并伴以掌聲。

Sayako , 36 , wearing a simple western - style long white dress and a single - strand pearl necklace , climbed into the black prince royal limousine as formally - dressed royal minders bowed deeply and clapped 紀宮公主今年36歲,她身穿樸實的西式白色長裙,帶著一長串珍珠項鏈,坐進皇太子的黑色奢侈轎車小汽車里,其他穿著正式的皇室接待們深深地向她鞠了一躬,并伴以掌聲。

Sayako , 36 , wearing a simple western - style long white dress and a single - strand pearl necklace , climbed into the black prince royal limousine as formally - dressed royal minders bowed deeply and clapped 紀宮公主今年36歲,她身穿簡樸的西式白色長裙,帶著一長串珍珠項鏈,坐進皇太子的黑色豪華轎車里,其他穿著正式的皇室招待們深深地向她鞠了一躬,并伴以掌聲。

It is mothers , not child - minders or state nannies , that transmit the consistent security and love without which children cannot develop into well - adjusted adults 只有母親,而不是兒童保育員或者國家奶媽,才能把一貫的安全和愛帶給孩子,如果沒有這些安全和愛,那么孩子們在長大成人之后就會缺少適應能力。

Concessionary rates are granted for persons with a disability and their minders at all times , and for senior citizens aged 60 and above and full - time students at non - peak period 殘疾人士及照顧他們的人士于任何時段租用可享半價優惠; 60歲或以上長?及全日制學校學生于非繁忙時段租用亦可享半價優惠。

To allow them to walk the streets of pyongyang , kaesong , and wonsan without official minders and function the way they do in nearly every country around the world 是否允許他們不經官方人員跟隨,在平壤、開城和元山的街道上信步,像他們在世界差不多所有其他國家那樣辦公?

Concessionary rates are applicable to full - time students , senior citizens aged 60 and above as well as people with disabilities and their minders during specific period 全日制學校學生、六十歲或以上高齡人士及殘疾人士及其看護人于于指定時間租用可享半價優惠。

Concessionary rates are applicable to full - time students , senior citizens aged 60 and above as well as people with disabilities and their minders during specific period 全日制學校學生六十歲或以上高人士及殘疾人士及其看護人于于指定時間租用可享半價優惠。

People accompanying children under 12 or minders of people with disabilities must change into clean slippers or be bare foot before they enter the pool deck area 陪同12歲以下的兒童或照顧殘疾游泳者的人士,必須換上清潔的拖鞋或赤足,才可進入池面范圍。

With the resolution of the problems raised by iraq for the transportation of minders into the no - fly zones , our mobility in these zones has improved 伊拉克提出的、將伊方陪同運送至禁飛區的問題得到解決后,我們在這些地域的機動性得到了提升。

Just 17 per cent of working mothers do unpaid overtime - many simply cannot because they have to leave to collect their children from school or a child minder 僅有17 %的職業媽媽加班? ?很多人不能加班是因為她們得去學校或托兒所接孩子。

It could possibly be something to do with a third party product that integrates with websphere application server , such as site minder 也有可能是與websphere application server交互的第三方產品(如site minder )的相關項。

The singer , 44 , wore a bandage over his hooter and had a minder carry the brolly during a visit to a las vegas museum 這位44歲的巨星在參觀拉斯維加斯博物館時,鼻子由繃帶纏繞,一名助手則為他撐著傘。

Concessionary rate only applies to people with disabilities and minders of people with disabilities ( limited to one minder ) telephone nos 優惠收費只適用于殘疾人士及殘疾人士陪同者(最多只限一名) 。

Forced to work long hours , they pack them off to child - minders or nannies , grandmothers or next - door neighbors 由于不得不長時間勞動,父母把子女托付給保育員或保姆,祖母或鄰居。

Meeting minder lets you enter the minutes of an online meeting , and assign action items to other users 會議記錄允許您輸入聯機會議的記錄并向其他用戶分派動作項目。

Meeting minder gives you a way to record meeting minutes , and create and schedule action items . 會議記錄提供一種記錄會議備忘錄,創建和安排動作項目的方法。