
mindanao n.棉蘭老(島);明達瑙(島)〔菲律賓〕。


With master s permission , i flew to mindanao , where brother nguyen and i met with director zaida j . rinsulat at the social welfare office . when she learned that master had sent us to help resolve the water problem , she immediately arranged to take us to the area 接到通知后,我飛往該島,與一個阮姓同修,到了科塔巴托省的社會福利處,見了處長賽達女士,向她說明師父要幫他們解決水的問題,請她帶我們去看地點,她立即聯絡了小吉普車,帶我們前往。

Luzon , mindro , negros , leyte , cebu , mindanao , etc . typical wood of so - caled philippine mahogany . subsitute for mahogany ( swietenia spp . ) in central and south america and commercially named philippine mahogany . belonging to ruboshorea group 產于菲律賓呂宋島、民多羅、內革羅斯、利伊泰、宿霧、民答那峨等地?是菲律賓相當著名之一種木材?最典型的菲律賓桃花心木?在利用價值上可代替中南美洲之桃花心木。

Also known as the maharlika highway , the road network runs from manila to laoag city via cagayan valley in northern luzon and from manila to davao in mindanao via bicol in southern luzon and samar and leyte in eastern visayas 以M A H A R L I K A命名的高速公路向北從馬尼拉至L A O A G市,并有從馬尼拉經呂宋南部的B I C O L地區與維薩亞的薩馬魚壘迪到棉蘭老的達澳市的公路網。

Location : the philippines consists of an archipelago located in the western pacific ocean to the east of southeast asia . there are 7107 islands . the principal islands are luzon and mindanao 自然地理:位于亞洲東南部。東臨太平洋,西瀕南中國海,共有大小島嶼7107個,其中呂宋島、棉蘭老島和薩馬島等11個主要島嶼占全國總面積的96 。屬熱帶海洋性氣候,高溫多雨。

Meanwhile , one of our fellow initiates was on a trip to mindanao . this second largest island in the philippines archipelago had suffered a severe drought that destroyed all its crops in july 1998 同時間,我們請一位同修到菲律賓第二大島民答那峨科塔巴托省查訪,由于該島在去年七月發生乾旱,農作物都乾枯了。

Twenty - six areas in luzon and seven areas in the bicol region , the visayas and mindanao have been designated scenic highways , all with comfortable amenities for the traveler 延菲律賓公路,呂宋有二十六個風景點何七個在B I C O L地區和維薩亞群島河面蘭老島的風景點,沿途供有許多的舒適的旅游服務設施。

The united states approved a us $ 3 . 7 million donation in development aid to the philippine region of mindanao , bringing the total over the next five years to us $ 194 million 美國政府同意一項三百七十萬美元對菲律賓民答那峨島開發補助的捐贈,使捐贈總數在下個五年內達到一億九千四百萬美元。

Spoken entirely in mindanao bisaya and starring the local people , 22 - year - old sanchezs hd feature is a revelatory look at a culture in flux 在菲律賓原創電影節得最佳電影,本色演出的演員更奪得集體最佳演員獎,傳為佳話。

Mindanao , the second largest island in the philippines , is simply bewitching . it is picturesque with its stunning land - and - seascapes 菲律賓群島中的第二大島棉蘭老島令人著謎,其風景如畫的的海陸風景令人贊嘆。

Comprising 7 , 107 islands , it is readily accessible to the different capitals of the world . its main islands are luzon , visayas and mindanao 首都馬尼拉和財政的中心馬卡提坐落在呂宋島,菲律賓最大的島的。

Except for luzon and mindanao , the islands of the archipelago are actually the crests of submerged mountain ranges 除了呂宋島和棉蘭老島之外,別的群島的島嶼實際上是淹沒著山脈露出水面的山峰。

The highest peak in the country , mount apo , rises 2 , 955 meters in southern mindanao and is a dormant volcano 坐落于棉蘭老島的錒埠山是休眠的火山,她是菲律賓最高的山峰,其海拔為2955米。

The floods have left 20 , 000 persons homeless and washed away over 1 , 000 houses on mindanao island 洪水使至少20000人無家可歸。洪水沖走了明達瑙島上的一千多家房屋。

The visayas are emerald and sapphire jewels dotting the land and seascape between luzon and mindanao 維薩亞群島就象灑落在呂宋島和棉蘭老島之間的翡翠和藍寶石。

Mindanao , the second largest island , is becoming known as the country s food basket region 第二大的棉蘭老島以全國的食物籃子為人所知。

Luzon to the north , the visayas central islands , and mindanao south :北部的呂宋島,中部的維薩亞群島和南部的棉蘭老島。

We helped construct a major airport in mindanao 美國與南韓的結盟也是另一項重要的關系。