
mind n.1.心,精神 (opp. body); 心力,知,智...

mind cure

Fear of the consequences preyed on her mind . 她擔心其后果而惴惴不安。

Two thoughts had jumped into her mind . 她心里突然出現了兩個念頭。

Her mind strayed on the scene outside . 她因看到外面的景物而迷惘。

Yet he would not stop his mind from working . 然而,他又不能不去思索。

The last years passed from her mind . 過去的歲月從她的腦子里閃過。

I can't imagine what noah had in mind . 我猜不出挪亞腦子里想的是什么。

Mind you i was not born yesterday . 提醒你,我并非是個乳臭未干的孩子。

The problem weighed heavily on his mind . 那個問題沉重地壓在他的心頭。

I mind whether you like me or not . 你是否喜歡我,我很重視這件事。

For a moment her presence of mind forsook her . 剎那間她心亂如麻。

No such idea had ever crossed my mind . 我心中從來未曾有過這樣的想法。

His face was a true picture of his mind . 他的容顏是他內心的真實寫照。

His mind dwelt on what had passed . 剛才發生的事一直在他的腦海中翻騰。

She minded very much that he had not come . 他沒有來,她為此十分不悅。

It never crossed my mind that she might lose . 我從未想到她會失敗。

I hope he can read the minds of soldiers . 我希望他能理解兵士的心理。

He smiled and turned the fancy in his mind . 他微微一笑,頓生遐想。

Her mind was inevitably at liberty . 她的頭腦必然是不受任何干擾的。

The thought of resigning never crossed my mind . 我從來沒想過要辭職。