
mince vt.1.切碎,剁碎,斬細,絞碎(肉等)。2.婉轉地說,...

mince meat

Bean curd stuffed with minced fish fillet 魚脊肉瓤豆腐

Lebanese pizza topped with minced meat onion and pine nuts 頂部配以鮮嫩的小牛肉,洋蔥和松仁,松軟可口

Mooncakes are to mid - autumn festival what mince pies are to christmas 中秋節吃月餅正如圣誕節吃肉餡餅。

Wash cattlefish , wipe dry and mince then in a meat grinder 墨魚肉洗凈,抹乾水切碎,放入碎肉機內攪爛。

Pakistani minced beef curry with cried peas 咖喱肉末干豌豆

Fresh peas minced ham rape leaves 鮮豌豆火腿末油菜葉適量

Recommendation : fish head soup , minced crab meat , red - cooked pork 特色推薦:魚頭湯、蟹粉、紅燒肉。

Food examples of minced and pureed diets 食物例子碎餐糊餐

The preparation of minced and pureed meals 碎餐及糊餐膳食安排

Minced dace , bean curd and spring onion soup 鯪魚球豆腐香蔥湯

Season the minced pork and leave aside 把免治豬肉調味,備用。

The salty variety is filled with minced meat , vegetables etc 咸餡則可以由碎肉末,蔬菜等做成。

There ' s no time to mince words . i can ' t support my own family 沒有必要隱瞞了我無法養活整個家

The salty variety is filled with minced meat , vegetables etc 咸餡則能夠由碎肉末,蔬菜等做成。

The actress minced across the stage 那位女演員扭捏作態地走過舞臺。

Heat 4teaspoons cooked oil to deep fry the minced pork 加入炸過的油4大匙,放入絞肉炒至熟。

Scottish santa dons hardhat after mince pie attack 為防餡餅襲擊英國一圣誕老人戴安全帽上崗

Not to mince matters , his work is getting worse each week 坦率地說,他的工作一周比一周糟。

The preparation of minced and pureed meals 面對失去、哀傷與死亡的壓力