
minaret n.(清真寺院的)尖塔。


Since the whitfield barracks were later converted to kowloon park , and the number of muslims has increased , a new mosque was built in 1984 . the four - storey mosque occupies an area of 1 500 square metres , completed with traditional islamic design with marble finishing , peach - shaped dome and minarets at four corners . being the largest mosque in hong kong , it has a community hall , three prayer halls , a clinic and a library and can accommodate a congregation of about 3 000 at one time 新寺于1984年落成,占地1 , 500平方米,樓高四層,內外均以白色大理石建造,采用傳統的伊斯蘭建筑設計,屋頂呈桃形,四角建有尖頂宣禮塔,并設有大禮拜堂、三個禮拜殿、診療所和圖書館,可供3 , 000人同時禮拜,是全港最大的回教寺院。

The third mosque is the hk 26 - million kowloon mosque and islamic centre and its located at 105 nathan road in tsim sha tsui , kowloon . this three - storey building , with a handsome dome and four minarets , is highlighted by marble grille work and decorative arches 樓高三層的建筑物,設有堂皇的圓頂及四個尖塔,由大理石堆砌而成的墻壁及雕花拱門,充滿莊嚴的不凡氣派,可容納會眾約2 , 000人。

Islamabad , pakistan ( ap ) - - chunks of concrete are missing from the mosque ' s minarets . the walls of a religious school painted with islamic verses are peppered with bullet holes . black flies over a makeshift bunker , blasted apart under a stairwell 伊斯蘭堡巴基斯坦(美聯社) - -清真寺尖塔不再完好無損,宗教學校印有伊斯蘭詩句的圍墻上布滿彈孔,樓梯塌落的廢墟上,黑色的蒼蠅盤旋著。

The minarets and domed roofs of tongxin ' s new mosques could be mistaken for any in the middle east and are a stark contrast to the main mosque in beijing , whose courtyard architecture and low , sloping roofs reflect a more traditional chinese style 光塔的圓頂和屋頂侗的新清真寺有可能會被誤會是在中東形成鮮明對照的主要清真寺北京其庭院建筑與低、斜屋頂更反映中國傳統風格

As an important post on the northern route of the age - old silk road , turpan has now many spots of interest such as the ancient cities of gaochang and jiashe , bezeklik thousand - buddha caves , emin minaret , grape valley , and karez wells 是北段絲路的重鎮,也是現代絲路旅游的重要景點。著名景點有高昌故城交河故城柏孜克里克千佛洞蘇公塔葡萄溝坎兒井沙漠公路

During the night the train left the mountains behind , and passed nassik , and the next day proceeded over the flat , well - cultivated country of the khandeish , with its straggling villages , above which rose the minarets of the pagodas 談話至此,便停住了。夜間,火車穿越高止山脈,過了納西克,第二天是10月21號,火車駛過堪得土地區一片比較平坦的土地。

It has a single minaret , but no dome . in addition to the mosque , the complex has a community hall , a library , conference rooms , a clinic , a youth centre , a canteen and offices 這所清真寺屬綜合性建筑物,內里設備計有社區會堂圖書館會議室診所青年中心飯堂及辦公室,足可容納信眾多達1 , 500人,能令信徒足不出戶,也可得到不同的照顧和服務。

“ state - owned oil raised the gold domes and granite minarets of omar ali saifuddien mosque in this delta capital and lifted the country ' s per capita income to among the world ' s highest 汶萊富庶的國家石油資源不僅讓博而基亞清真寺的換上了金碧輝煌的園冠和價值不菲的花崗巖尖頂,而且讓該國的人均收入一躍躋身于世界最高水平的行列。

A city whose main landmark is a medieval cathedral may soon share its skyline with another place of worship : a large mosque with minarets more than 50 metres ( 165 feet ) high 這個主要建筑都是中世紀天主教風格的城市,可能很快就要出現另一座禮拜場所:一座尖塔超過50米(合165英尺)高的大清真寺。

The minaret , 37 m high , is about 2 km to the southeast of turpan . a 72 - step spiral stairway inside the minaret leads to its top where visitors may have a panoramic view of turpan 位于吐魯番東南約兩公里處,塔高37米,塔內有螺旋形72級臺階,盤旋直上塔頂可鳥瞰吐魯番。

Shelley street mosque , complete with its green and white minaret , is located in the mid - levels and was built in 1915 . it still stands on its original site in central 后來這所清真寺于1915年重建,擁有獨特的綠色及白色尖塔,至今仍屹立在中環些利街舊址上。

Mosques , minarets , temples , fakirs , pagodas , tigers , snakes , elephants ! i hope you will have ample time to see the sights 那兒有很多莊嚴的回教寺,高高的尖頂塔,宏偉的廟宇,托缽的苦行僧,還有浮圖寶塔,花斑老虎,黑皮毒蛇,還有能歌善舞的印度姑娘!

Abdul qassim sadr , assistant director of the hospital emergency room , said he heard a huge explosion and saw fire and smoke rising between two minarets 醫院急診室副主任阿比杜爾?卡西姆?薩德爾說,他聽到一聲巨響,看見有煙火從兩個尖塔之間冒出來。

Hagia sophia is the great architectural landmark at the heart of istanbul , with its four minarets poised like moon - bound rockets 位于伊斯坦布爾市中心的海依牙?索非亞教堂是地標性的偉大建筑,它的四座光塔聳立著,象要呼嘯飛往月球的火箭。

“ shiites set up two minarets above their mosques , whereas sunnis set only one . that ' s the difference between shiites and sunnis mosques . 什葉派有二座宣禮塔,在他們的清真寺上,但是遜尼派只有一個,那就是什葉派和遜尼派清真寺的差別。

The owner of the farvardin minaret making workshop says that minaret - making is a popular profession because iran is an islamic country 法費汀宣禮塔制作工場說,宣禮塔制作是一個受歡迎的行業,因為伊朗是一個伊斯蘭教的國家。

The minarets of the town loomed above the houses in the pale rays of the sun . a jetty pier , some two thousand yards along , extended into the roadstead 舉目南望,有一條長達兩公里的長堤,象一只巨臂伸在蘇伊士運河的港灣里。

In small mosques the muezzin at azan stands at the door or at the side of the building ; in large ones he takes up his position in the minaret 在小清真寺muezzin在azan站立在門或在大廈的邊;在大那些他表明他的位置在尖塔。

Minarets are not sacred in themselves , but mosques as places for practicing religious rituals such as daily prayers make them sacred 宣禮塔本身并不神圣,但是清真寺卻是實行宗教儀式,如每日禱告的地方,讓它們變得神圣。