
minar n.1.燈塔。2.小塔,望樓。


Moreover , base on lots of test data , fatigue life estimation is finished by help of miner , opposite miner rule and fracture mechanics theory . theoretic results and test data are well fit to each other 另外,本文在大量試驗數據的基礎上,依據miner法則、相對minar法則以及斷裂力學理論,對40cr高強螺栓的疲勞壽命估算進行了系統研究,理論分析結果與試驗值的規律性吻合較好。

The frog at the bottom of the well is always blind to the extension of the sky . ” ambitious men ams far ” , let ' s get started , with the tall minar lights up our long voyage , and the voice of singing accompanies 井底之蛙,永遠看不到天空的廣闊, “好男兒志在四方” ,讓我們踏歌而行,看高高的燈塔照亮我們遠航的路。