
minable adj.可采掘的,可采礦的。


In order to make sustainable development of gold industry in china countermeasures should be taken in future , such as strengthening exploration for increment of minable gold reserves , enhancing geoscience researches for seizing large - superlarge gold deposits , strengthening gold mineral resources management for scientific and reasonable utilization of gold mineral resources 為保證我國黃金生產可持續發展,加強金礦資源勘查,增加可采儲量;加強地質科學研究,尋找大型超大型金礦床;強化資源管理,科學、合理利用資源,提高資源利用水平是應采取的主要對策和措施。

Xml is about data crossing platforms and turns to be one of the most popular formats for exchanging informatioa because xml is based on characters and separates contents through tags , so called semi - structural , it is born minable and transplantable Xml是跨平臺的數據,是當前最被看好的信息交換格式之一。由于xml具有以字符為基礎,以標簽為信息元劃分的半結構化的特點,天生便具有非常強的可挖掘性與可移植性。

Jiangmen boasts of rich mineral resources with 37 kinds of minable minerals , including limestone , silica sand , potassium feldspar , monazite , crystal , aquamarine , coal , tombarthite / rare earth , gold , silver , copper , iron , stannum and tungsten , among others 礦產資源豐富,已探明可開采的有石灰石、硅砂、鉀長石、獨居石、水晶、綠柱石、煤、稀土及金、銀、銅、鐵、錫、鎢等37種。

Application of isothermal curves in estimating minable resource of coalbed methane 等溫吸附曲線方法在煤層氣可采資源量估算中的應用

Economically minable limestone does not occur so frequently . 經濟上值得開采的石灰石并不這樣多。