
mina n.(pl.-nae , minas) 古希臘等地的貨幣...


And the second came , saying , your mina , master , has made five minas 18第二個來說,主啊,你的一錠銀子已經賺了五錠。

How far is minas tirith 米那斯提力斯有多遠

Estrella of minas diamond 斯的埃斯特萊拉鉆石

Forgive me , a child who studied discreet mathematics till mad , mina san 大家原諒我這個學離散數學學瘋了的孩子吧。

I will ask mina a question 我要問mina一個問題

Mina ' s prime acquaintance with a reluctant member may prove useful 米娜和一位不想加入的成員的交情或許有些幫助。

Minas morgul is his lair 米納斯魔窟是他的老巢

I ride for minas tirith . . 我會騎馬去小石城. .

Thirty bucks . that ' s 30 mina . that was the currency of the day . . . a mina 30元,是30米拉是那時候用的貨幣. . .米拉

I ride for minas tirith 我會騎馬去米那斯提力斯

Tankard loved the song that mina 米娜愛這支歌。

- they kiiied mina . - i know -他們殺了米娜-我知道

They kiiied mina . - i know 他們殺了米娜-我知道

Miss mina kennedy brought near her lips to ear of tankardone 米娜肯尼迪小姐將嘴唇湊到一號“大酒杯”的耳邊。

Thirty bucks . that ' s 30 mina . that was the currency of the day . a mina 30元,是30米拉是那時候用的貨幣.米拉

And the last rose of summer was a lovely song . mina loved that song 而夏日最后的玫瑰是一支可愛的歌。

Thousands of sauron ' s orcs make their way towards minas tirith 成千上萬索隆的軍隊向米尼斯蒂里斯進發。

Fall back . fall back to minas tirith 撤退向小石城撤退

Mina , i have to get you out of here 米娜,我要幫你離開這兒