
mimosa n.【植物;植物學】含羞草。


Vast forests of palms , arecs , bamboo , teakwood , of the gigantic mimosa , and tree - like ferns covered the foreground , while behind , the graceful outlines of the mountains were traced against the sky ; and along the coasts swarmed by thousands the precious swallows whose nests furnish a luxurious dish to the tables of the celestial empire 安達曼群島的風景非常優美。那兒有一望無際的森林遍布全島的近海一面,其中最多的是:棕樹檳榔樹肉豆蔻竹子柏木大含羞草和桫欏樹。森林的后面,是一群俊秀山巒的側影。

The result indicated that there wore mainly 91 species distributed in all the cropland , woodland and wasteland in hainan island , and the most harmful species were praxelis clematidea , eupatorium odoratum , parthenium hysterophorus , mimosa sepiaria , wedelia trilobat , lantana camara , eichhornia crassipe , its impact on agriculture was severer than forestry 結果表明,現在海南分布的主要外來入侵植物共有91種,其中最為嚴重的主要有假臭草、飛機草、光英含羞草、微甘菊、馬纓丹、鳳眼蓮等,它們已對海南農林業生產及生態安全造成一定影響,但并沒有引起有關管理部門的重視。

But that mimosa grove ? the haze of stars , the tingle , the flame , the honey - dew , and the ache remained with me , and that little girl with her seaside limbs and ardent tongue haunted me ever since ? until at last , twenty - four years later , i broke her spell by incarnating her in another 從此之后,那個在海邊伸展著四肢,有著火熱的舌頭的小女孩就鬼魅般地伴隨著我… …一直到二十年后,終于,我用她的一個化身破除了這個魔咒。

Seismonasty ( seismonastic movements ) a nastic movement in response to shock . an example is the collapse of leaves of the sensitive plant ( mimosa pudica ) when touched or shaken 感震性(感震運動) :是一種針對震動刺激的感性運動。例如敏感植物(含羞草)的葉子被觸摸或震動時的收攏現象。

The next minute i knew it was coming from the marmositure ( mimosa tree ) outside 過了一分鐘意識到那是這氣味是從外面的含羞草樹上傳來的。

The mimosa pudica club 含羞草私人會所

A homepage about mimosa adopted in xiamen , prc , 1996 -廈門概覽,經濟縱橫,科技教育,政策法規,黨政機關,網絡服務。

The next minute i knew it was coming from the mimosa tree outside 過了一分鐘我才知道這個味道來自外面的洋槐樹。

Back to the mimosa pudica club 返回含羞草私人會所

The next minute i knew it was coming from the mimosa tree outside 我馬上意識到這種味道來自屋外的合歡樹。 ”

The next minute i knew it was coming from the mimosa tree outside 一會兒我就知道它來自屋外合歡樹的香味。

Would you care for more mimosa 您還想要香檳加橙汁嗎?

The next minute i knew it was coming from the mimosa tree outside 接著我就知道,這是外面的合歡樹。

How about that ? mimosa for me posse 這怎么樣呢含羞草搜索隊

I think i ' m going to need another mimosa 我想再開其他的禮物前

Carrying out a series of inquiring activities with mimosa pudica 利用含羞草進行系列生物探究活動

I think i ' m going to need another mimosa . . 我想再開其他的禮物前

Does anyone want anything besides mimosas 有人要除了含羞草調酒以外的東西嗎?