
mimicry n.1.模仿;摹擬;學樣;模寫;仿造品。2.【生物學】擬...


Because of last a century industry revolution is with the technology creative since behave type history precept for educating the glorious material civilization of with spiritual civilization , again making the nature ecosystem the environment suffering the bigness wound ; face with the large quantity that economic development mode consume the nature resources , break the ecosystem environment to price to give the our country small town developments of a nice bit of inside the negative influence that bring before , if over - emphasize in the moment economic “ performance “ , the regardless of farsighted ecosystem is equilibrium , and escape from to be the ground seriously economy , culture foundation with same mode of term , blindness mimicry of nature geography , because of but cause the native special features and traditional culture to lose , image one , thousand an etc . of cities ; with the same mode of term , blindness mimicry of nature geography , because of but cause the native special features and traditional culture to lose , image one , thousand an etc . of cities ; people who reply 21 century pursue the whole body heart the health the life style that develop relation towards publicly exist with movable environment request more and more of high and rigorous challenge , this lesson “ inside small town environment design way of thinking research “ , then “ insist put can into practice keep on develop strategy , exactitude handle economy with population , resources , environment , improvement ecosystem environment with beautify to live the environment , improvement public facilities is with the social welfare facilities . found to produce the development hard , life wealthy with the leading that the good civilization of ecosystem develop the road “ for total thought , then “ unify programming , reasonable layout , is proper because of the ground system , each have special features , protect farmland , beautify environment , synthesize development , kit developments “ for the basic way , regarding related research result of domestic and international expert ' s scholar as draw lessons from , then “ create to set up clean , beautiful , quite and public environment , outstanding character image , expand the region ecosystem the vogue , and promote the economic society and environment can keep on developing , and realize the economy develop to win with environmental protection double “ for design the target 鑒于上一世紀產業革命和科技創新既為人類造就出輝煌物質文明和精神文明,又使自然生態環境遭受到巨大創傷的歷史教訓;面臨以往以大量消耗自然資源、破壞生態環境為代價的經濟發展模式給我國相當多的中小城鎮建設帶來的負面影響,如偏重眼前經濟“效益” ,不顧長遠生態平衡,嚴重脫離當地經濟、文化基礎和自然地理條件,盲目模仿同一模式,因而導致本土特色與傳統文化喪失,形象單一,千城一面等;應對21世紀人們追求全身心健康發展的生活方式對公共生存與活動環境要求越來越高的嚴峻挑戰,本課題“中小城鎮環境設計思路研究” ,以“堅持實施可持續發展戰略,正確處理經濟同人口、資源、環境的關系,改善生態環境和美化生活環境,改善公共設施和社會福利設施。努力開創生產發展、生活富裕和生態良好的文明發展道路”為總的指導思想,以“統一規劃、合理布局、因地制宜、各具特色、保護耕地、優化環境、綜合開發、配套建設”為根本方針,以國內外專家學者相關研究成果為借鑒,以“創建清潔、優美、寧靜的公共環境,突出個性形象,弘揚地域生態風尚,促進經濟社會與環境可持續發展,實現經濟發展與環境保護雙贏”為設計目標。并緊緊圍繞這一目標對中小城鎮的街區環境設計、建筑特色設計、建筑形象設計、自然環境設計、藝術形象設計、廣場景觀設計、住宅小區設計、生態環境設計、文化建設以及總體環境設計的定位等,展開了具體的思路研究與探討。

In the second part , the author investigate the influence which companion intercourse has on the view of the life and value via analyzing teenager ' s behavior characteristic of the companion community , that is to say , the self - cognition concerning social comparison behavior and observation mimicry concerning social study behavior and the happening of the self - identity about imitating others in the companion group 第二部分,通過對青少年同伴群體的行為特性:即社會比較行為的自我認知;社會學習行為的觀察模仿;同伴團體內從眾行為的認同發生;分析了同伴交往對青少年人生觀、價值觀形成的影響。

It is right to go together the industry to this gram that yuesheng breeze , yuesheng that designer that also seem to be to is very helpless , their speech : this kind of gram the s breeze ream they are proud of to again make them anxious about , the proud of is an own product to acquire the market with the approbation that go together , worry of is continuously for a long time hence , last in market positive development for having the yuesheng at considering yuesheng in the creation , style , disadvantage in go togethering the industry , let a hundred flowers blossom to is just spring . do not more lift under the watch elephant of the gram , the more is flow outing of appearance goods to counterfeit now , most the injure the consumer s benefits . the imitator is only meeting mimicry skin , copy not yuesheng creation is with the quality and to the vogue s sharp and full with confidence ability 對同行業對悅盛的這股克隆之風,悅盛的設計師也顯得頗為無奈,他們坦言:這種克隆之風令他們自豪又令他們擔心,自豪的是自己的產品獲得市場和同行的認同,擔心的是長此以往,市場上只有悅盛在思考悅盛在創造,風格趨同,不利于同行業的良性發展,百花放才是春。更別提在克隆的表象下,更多的是假冒偽劣的樣子貨的涌現,最終損害到消費者的利益。模仿者只會模仿皮毛,模仿不了悅盛的創造性和品質以及對時尚的敏銳把握能力。

This can keep control safe and efficient , to attain the best work appearance . that method , ac cording to field knowledge , adopts the intelligence logic theories and the control ' s way to reason logically . the end target is that egcs , in accord with the actual movement transportation of elevator , the distribute condition of floors waiting for elevators , the direction passenger fly to , can mimicry the intelligence principle in the human brain , proceed the ego study , and will store that study the elevator ' s method and rule inside the knowledge library 動態最佳方法基于領域知識,采用了智能邏輯理論和模糊推理控制的方法,根據電梯運行交通流量、候梯分布狀況、乘客流向等信息,模仿人類頭腦中的‘智能”原則,進行自我學習,將學習到的電梯調度方法與規則儲存到知識庫中;在發生廳內召喚時,根據知識庫中的知識,通過預測將廳內召喚分配給最適當的電梯,最大限度地提高梯群的整體運行效率。

This text is according to the characteristics of new airplane and with the actual circumstance within training , bring upped the training ' s method of adoption nerve network to proceed the fuzzy training system , the system join together the fuzzy theories with the actual circumstance within traininged according to the characteristics of new airplane with the advantage , fuzzy concept of main research of fuzzy theories that nerve network , is a kind of solution to is not accurate incompletely information of method , but the nerve network is then the mimicry person ' s brain pass from the study that orientation to come solve probleming , two each have the advantage and weakness , and put together the proceeding function their knot to with each other repair , can consumedly increase the new airplane the result that train 本文根據新殲飛機的特點和培訓中的實際情況,提出了采用神經模糊培訓系統進行培訓的方法,神經模糊培訓系統結合了模糊理論和神經網絡的優點,模糊理論主要研究模糊概念,是一種解決不精確不完全信息的方法,而神經網絡則模仿人腦的結構通過自適應的學習來解決問題,二者各有優缺點,把它們結合起來進行功能互補,就能大大提高新殲飛機培訓的效果。

Now , present condition that chinese the reside space mode be placed in an appearance for have nothing the preface or one mimicry moving , and ca n ' t far adapt to the now world quickly complicated term that change , and also ca n ' t appear the own culture characteristics in china 目前,中國聚居空間模式的現狀正處于一種無序或單一模仿照搬的狀態,遠不能適應當今世界快速變化的復雜條件,也不能體現出中國自己的文化特點。

“ previous studies have shown that mimicry enhances positive feelings for the mimicker , “ wrote rick van baaren , a social psychology professor at the university of nikmegen in the netherlands , in a recent study in the journal of experimental social psychology 荷蘭nikmegen大學的社會心理學教授里克范巴倫在實驗社會心理學雜志上最近發表的一項研究中寫到: “以前的研究已經表明模仿能夠增加人們對模仿者的好感。

In the past 4 decades since its establishment , it has successfully accomplished the mapping , mimicry , improvement and modification of some 30 types of planes , among which , the yunshuji - 7 plane has become the major force of china branch airlines 建院近40年來,先后成功地測繪仿制改進和改型的飛機型號多達三十多種,其中運七飛機已成為我國支線航空中的主力機隊。

Ban dura insists that a number of goals can be attained through the observation and imitation of models , from the mimicry of actions to mastery of a language , from acquisition of behavior to the formation of personality 班杜拉認為,從動作的模擬到語言的掌握,從態度的習得到人格的形成,均可以通過對榜樣的觀察和模仿加以完成。

Other brand shine on the cat painting the mimicry famous brand the product , so - called piano paint be a layer can slightly the reflection s light paint , so - called bark be a rice the wood grain paper of money of several hairs 雜牌:照貓畫虎模仿名牌產品,所謂的鋼琴漆就是一層略能反光的光漆,所謂木皮就是一米幾毛錢的木紋紙。

A fourth arises through the fact that many insecticides work by a process of mimicry copying the behavior of vital hormones in the species they are de signed to attack 第四個問題是,由于許多殺蟲劑之所以起作用,是模仿它們所攻擊目標關鍵的荷爾蒙的行為。

The game that the mimicry an item in the olympics do . it be also the first many people cooperation of this utility room to do out . hope everyone will like 模仿奧運一個項目做的游戲。也是本工作室第一部多人合作做出來的。希望大家會喜歡!

Most people are other people . their thoughts are someone elses opinions , their lives a mimicry , their passions a quotation 大多數人都過別人的生活。他們的思想被別人的言論引導著。他們一生摹仿,他們熱衷于別人的格言。

The main forms of non ? verbal communication include mimicry , gestures , body language , eye contact , external appearance , and clothing etc 非言語交流的主要形式有模仿、手勢、身體語言、眼神、外部表情以及穿衣等。

Crosstalk , or xiangsheng , is a language art combining four basic techniques : speech , mimicry , comedy and song 繞口令,或者相聲,是與4種技藝有關的語言藝術:講說,模仿,喜劇和歌唱。

Crosstalk , or xiangsheng , is a language art combining four basic techniques : speech , mimicry , comedy and song 相聲是一種語言藝術,其主要由四個基本技能組成:說,學,逗,唱。

Crosstalk , or xiangsheng , is a language art combining four basic techniques : speech , mimicry , comedy and song 相聲是一種結合4種基本技術的語言藝術:演講、模仿,喜劇和唱歌。

Crosstalk , or xiangsheng , is a language art combining four basic techniques : speech , mimicry , comedy and song 相聲是一種由四個基本技術組成的語言:演講,模仿,喜劇和歌唱。

Crosstalk , or xiangsheng , is a language art combining four basic techniques : speech , mimicry , comedy and song 相聲是一種要求四種技能的會話的藝術:演講,模仿,逗樂和歌唱。