
mimicker n.學人樣的人,模仿者。


“ previous studies have shown that mimicry enhances positive feelings for the mimicker , “ wrote rick van baaren , a social psychology professor at the university of nikmegen in the netherlands , in a recent study in the journal of experimental social psychology 荷蘭nikmegen大學的社會心理學教授里克范巴倫在實驗社會心理學雜志上最近發表的一項研究中寫到: “以前的研究已經表明模仿能夠增加人們對模仿者的好感。

[ conclusion ] taken together , these data suggested that two peptides gwyydal and vasavfysalve were effective mimickers of vegf and these peptides maybe potent inhibitors of kdr and offer a hope for the construction of tumor vaccine 而且該模擬抗原表位可能與huvec上表達的vegf受體結合,從而抑制了vegf的促huvec生長作用。這為進一步定位vegf抗原表位,研究vegf受體結合抑制肽,設計腫瘤疫苗提供了有力的基礎。