
mimic adj.1.模仿的,摹擬的,假的。2.【生物學】擬態的。...


You know l ' m right . kids mimic 你說是不是?小孩就是要模仿!

A pasting operation can be mimicked programmatically by setting the 屬性,以編程方式模擬粘貼操作。

However , your site can do much more than mimic your identity 然而,你的網站不應該局限于這個目的。

Progress in the studies on manganese superoxide dismutase mimics 錳超氧化物歧化酶模擬物的研究進展

Mimicking child mommy , mommy , i want one 媽媽,媽媽,我要一個

The mimic colouring of this moth protects them from predators 這飛蛾的擬態色保護?們不被掠食。

Tom mimicked his uncle ' s voice and gestures perfectly 湯姆把他叔叔的聲音和姿態模仿得惟妙惟肖

[ mimicking child ] mommy , mommy , i want one 媽媽,媽媽,我要一個

[ mimicking child ] mommy ? ? mommy ? ? i want one 媽媽,媽媽,我要一個

Dye - sensitised solar cells seek to mimic this assembly line 染料太陽能電池尋求模仿上述方式。

Option is important to mimicking your production environment 選項對于模擬生產環境十分重要。

Mimics the behavior of the sample jdbc program , 模仿了樣本jdbc程序

Mosaic tile mimic diagram ; centre distances 鑲嵌瓷磚模擬圖案.中心距

This command mimics the nt symbolic debugger 此命令模仿nt符號調試器

He mimicked his uncle ' s voice and gestures perfectly 他把叔叔的聲音和姿態模仿得惟妙惟肖。

You would like to mimic this plan on your test environment 您需要在測試環境中模擬該計劃。

Statements can be used to mimic the 語句可以用于模擬其他一些語言中的

Mimic : i ' m sending its location now 模擬機:我現在發送它的位置數據。

Mimic image comprises of radar echoes and arpa marks 仿真圖像包括雷達回波和arpa符號。