
mimetic adj.1.模仿的,摹擬的,巧于模仿的。2.【生物學】擬...


In chapter 5 , on the basis of the revised mimetic contagion model , we research in detail the relationship between herd behavior and speculative bubbles . we conclude that even if there are no interference from outside the market , it will fluctuate periodically as long as there is herd behavior whether the fundamental of the stock market is fixed or changes stochastically and the stronger the herd behavior , the more violently the price will fluctuate 首先利用模仿傳染模型研究了從眾行為與投機性泡沫的關系,結論是:股票市場在沒有外界干擾的情況下,無論內在價值是固定不變的,還是隨機變化的,只要存在從眾行為,市場價格就會出現周期性的波動,而且市場上的從眾行為程度越高,市場價格泡沫也就越大,風險也越高,越有可能危及金融安全。

The development of liquid - phase oxidation of alkane under mild conditions was introduced , which includes the utilization of oxidants such as organic peroxide , ozone , hydrogen peroxide , molecular oxygen and air , and catalytic oxidative systems such as homogeneous , heterogeneous , and mimetic peroxidase catalytic systems 摘要介紹了在溫和條件下烷烴的液相氧化進展,包括利用有機過氧化物、臭氧、過氧化氫、氧氣和空氣為氧化劑,利用均相催化劑、多相催化劑和模擬酶催化劑組成的催化氧化體系。

The morphological research of japanese onomatopoeia and mimetic words are of positive significance not only to understanding their forming process and academic research of their law , but also to the linguistic practice of mastering idiomatic japanese 從日語擬聲詞擬態詞的形態學特征對其進行考察,不僅對于認識其形成的過程、規律的學術研究方面,而且對于能熟練的掌握地道的日語的語言實踐活動有著積極的意義。

Mips are suited as bio - mimetic materials due to their long - term stability , durability to extreme physical and chemical conditions . therefore , molecular imprinting paves a new way for sensing technique overcoming the disadvantages of the biological recognition methods 與天然的生物分子識別系統如單克隆抗體或受體相比, mip具有很高的選擇性和穩定性,因此適合于用作模擬生物傳感器的識別元件。

It is of importance to develop the investigation of mimetic enzyme , which helps to understand the interacting mechanism of enzymes , establish the analytic methods of new bioactive molecules and make a deep insight into many important events in vivo 闡明了開展模擬酶的研究對于了解酶的作用機理、發展新型生物活性分子分析方法、探討生物體系的生命現象的重要意義。

We have synthesized the imprinted polymers using phenacetin , nicotine , paracematol and aminopyrine as the template molecules respectively and deduced the response model of the piezoelectric bio - mimetic sensors 我們合成了非那西丁、尼古丁、撲熱息痛和氨基比林四種模板分子的印記聚合物,得出了壓電模擬生物傳感器的響應模型。

Abstract : the concept and principle to determinate the interfacial ph in membrane mimetic systems by using spectroscopic probes were reviewed with emphasis laid on discussion the application 文摘:簡要介紹了利用光譜探針法研究膜模擬體系界面酸性的基本概念和基本原理,重點評述了這一方法的應用。

Because of the huge number , especially of mimetic words , there are not a equivalent part of speech in chinese , which makes it difficult for chinese learners of japanese 但是由于它的數量很多,尤其是擬態詞,在漢語中并沒有一個與之完全對應的詞類,因此,是學習日語的一大難點。

Basing on the lots of representative literatures , this review summarized the researching background , development and acting mechanisms on the insulin - mimetic effects of vanadium 通過大量有代表性的文獻,簡要綜述了釩的胰島素樣活性的研究背景、研究進展及作用機理等。

The research progress of porphyrin , host reagent , imprinting polymer , membrane system and complexes as mimetic enzymes are reviewed in detail 摘要本文詳細評述了卟啉、主體試劑、印跡高分子、膜體系及配合物等作為模擬酶的研究和發展。

Fendler j . h . polymerized surfactant vesicles : novel membrane mimetic system . science new series , 223 ( 4639 ) : 888 陳文君,翟利民,李干佐.囊泡的自發形成兩類表面活性劑復配.科學通報, 48 ( 6 ) : 562

The insulin - mimetic effect of vanadium is the most remarkable and important function among its several biological actions 摘要釩的胰島素樣活性是它的所有生物學活性中最顯著和最重要的。

We see only the outside of this , but what happens at the inside of this mimetic process 我們往往只能看到事物的外在,但其于模擬之轉化過程中所展現的內在又是怎樣的?

The word biomimic comes from bio , as in biology and mimetic , which means to copy 仿生學是由“仿”模仿、或是復制, “生”也就是生物兩個字組合而成。

Onomatopoeia and mimetic words are a striking feature of japanese vocabulary 摘要擬聲詞和擬態詞是日語詞匯的突出特征。

The future development of mimetic enzyme is prospected 對模擬酶研究的未來作了展望。