
mimesis n.1.模仿,摹擬。2.【生物學】擬態。


It was buried far deeper than myth and the oral history had led us to expect and it emitted radiation and absorbed radiation to simulate the natural character of its surroundings , a mechanical mimesis which is not surprising of itself 正如我們所猜想的,寶庫是隱藏著的,它比一個謎埋藏的還要深,只有口述的歷史指引我們去想象,他在釋放輻射的同時還吸收輻射,如同它附近物體的自然性質一樣,使我們任何的簡單的機械模仿都無法察覺它的存在。

Among them , auerbach ' s mimesis , brooks ' s the well wrouhgt urn , leavis ' the great tradition , wellek and warren ' s theory of literaturcism are undoubtedly the very best of all classics , and represent the main trend of the literary criticsm history of that period 而奧爾巴赫的《摹仿論》 、布魯克斯的《精制的甕》 、利維斯的《偉大的傳統》 、韋勒克和沃倫的《文學理論》 ,無疑堪稱“經典中的經典” ,代表了這段批評史的主導傾向。

Departing from the concepts of inspiration and mimesis of traditional western poetics , derrida locates the origin of literary creation in “ absence , “ the force that creates changes infinitely 摘要德里達對西方傳統的靈感觀念和模仿觀念進行了反思,將孕育著無窮變化的“無”視為創作的源頭,認為創作不是預定意義的實現過程,而是意義不斷生成流變的開放過程。

The concept of mimesis generated endless inspiration to this series of photography and digital imaging 在這一系列攝影與數碼圖像中,無盡的靈感來自模擬( mimesis )的概念。

Mimesis is a philosophical term referring to the transformation of natural worlds into symbolic worlds 模擬是一個哲學名詞,提到由自然世界到象徵世界之轉化。

Fantastic mimesis and oneiric functionalism 虛幻的模擬和解夢的功能主義