
mimeograph n.(商標名)滾筒油印機;油印品。vt.用滾筒油印機印刷...


The user can input the catenary material needed for its inspection expediently and accurately with the source material input subsystem . the real - time processing subsystem can incept , transform , compose , display and save the data transmitted from the inspection subsystem of the high - speed catenary inspection vehicle . the result analysing subsystem can display , save , contrast , report and mimeograph in many forms the inspection results , according to the many kind of condition choosed by the user 原始資料錄入子系統可以讓用戶直觀、快捷、正確地輸入檢測接觸網所需的接觸網原始資料;檢測數據實時處理子系統能及時、正確地接收、轉換、合成、顯示、存儲前置系統傳送的檢測數據;檢測結果分析子系統能按照用戶選擇的多種條件,以多種方式對檢測結果顯示、存儲、統計、對比、報表、打印和回放。

The company possesses 6 sets of diode cmos chip equipment , producing three - inch 1 . 2 million cmos chips per year . there is 3 productive flowing lines in the middle procession and 2 billion diodes were produced yearly . have yiguan machines and discrete machine for test , mimeograph and packing 公司擁有前道生產二極管芯片設備6套,年產3英寸芯片120萬片中道具有3條生產流水線,年產二極管20億只后道具有測試打印包裝一貫機分立機。

The english versions of printed and mimeographed documents of the un and the economics and social commission for asia and the pacific ( escap ) 聯合國和亞太區經濟及社會委員會印刷和油印文件的英文本。包括有關國際和平及安全、裁減軍備、難民及其他全球性問題的參考資料。

Shandong qingchun numeral photograph co . , ltd . specializes in producing numeral mimeograph medium and photostudio upholstered equipments 山東青春數碼影像有限公司是一家專業研究生產數碼打印介質和影樓裝裱設備的高科技企業。

On the first day of camp , mimeographed sheets taped to the doors advertised tryouts for the boy ' s soccer team 開營的第一天,有些門上貼著小廣告,介紹他4次征戰預選賽的事跡。

Before the 1970s the slide rule , or slipstick , was as common as the typewriter or the mimeograph machine 1970年代之前,計算尺跟打字機和油印機一樣,隨處可見。

Mark and shores went from mimeograph to copiers to laser printers , which allow finer work 馬克和海岸,從油印到復印機,以雷射印表機,使用戶更精細的工作。

His 6 , 000 inventions included the electric light bulb , the phonograph , and the mimeograph machine 他的六千項發明,包括電燈泡,留聲機(唱機)和油印機。

Mimeographed pamphlets on ghetto street corners 發放油印的小冊子要好多了

The mimeographed collection of wang yuyang ' s early poetry 王漁洋早年詩集刻本