
mime n.1.(古希臘、羅馬的)笑劇;摹擬表演。2.丑角,小丑...


A string array of client - supported mime accept types 客戶端支持的mime接受類型的字符串數組。

Gets the mime content type of a file sent by a client 獲取客戶端發送的文件的mime內容類型。

Mime : multipurpose internet mail extension 多用途因特網郵件擴展協議

Multipurpose internet mail extension mime 多用途網際網路郵件延伸標準

Secure multipurpose internet mail extension s mime 安全多媒體傳送格式

Other basic registered mime types are )其他注冊的基本mime類型包括:

Project - mime - based file system and all . read the 項目了解beos ,它是基于mime的文件系統。

Gets the mime types accepted by the client 獲取客戶端接受的mime類型。

Select the appropriate mime type for the image 對于mimetype ,為圖像選擇適當的mime類型。

I would not take you for lovers of the mime 我想你們不是笑劇的愛好者吧

Different applications support different mime types 不同的應用程序支持不同的mime類型。

Gets or sets the http mime type of the output stream 獲取或設置輸出流的http mime類型。

Similarly , you can control the mime type of the page 同樣,還可以控制頁面的mime類型。

I think i speak for everyone when i say we ' re a little mimed out 嘿,我為剛才說的抱歉

Implementations may not map unspecified mime types to 實現不能將未指明的mime類型映射到

But you ' ve left out street performance . the mimes 但你忽略了街頭表表演。

Gets or sets the mime content id for this attachment 獲取或設置此附件的mime內容id 。

Tag includes either a type or mime type specifier 標記要包括類型或mime類型說明符。

But you ' ve left out street performance . the mimes 但你忽略了街頭表演。幽默劇演員。