
milwaukee n.密爾沃基〔美國城市〕。


In 1993 , hundreds of thousands in milwaukee suffered diarrhoea and vomiting after the water supply was contaminated 1993年,在水源受到污染之后,美國密爾沃基市許多居民出現腹瀉和嘔吐。

An explosion that may have started in a large propane tank destroyed an industrial warehouse near downtown milwaukee 可能由一個大丙烷箱引發的爆炸炸毀了密爾沃基市區的一間工業倉庫。

K ( ken ) : houston rockets is going to face off milwaukee bucks at its home court . yao ming is in the starting lineup 肯:休斯敦火箭隊將在主場迎戰密爾沃基雄鹿隊,姚明在首發陣容里。

Milwaukee , feb . 29 , 2008 ? rockwell automation will acquire the safety and automation business of cedes ag 密爾沃基2月29日消息? ?羅克韋爾自動化將收購cedes公司的安全和自動化業務。

Williams also hit a key three - pointer after a bucks timeout , giving milwaukee an 89 - 84 lead with 30 . 3 seconds left 雄鹿暫停后威廉姆斯投中一個關鍵的3分球, 89 - 84領先,還剩30 . 3秒。

Who will be the milwaukee bucks ' starting power forward on opening night , rookie yi jianlian or charlie villanueva 常規賽開哨之夜,誰將成為先發大前鋒?是新秀易建聯還是維蘭紐瓦?

A 104 - 88 rockets victory over the milwaukee bucks aired on 19 television stations in china and two web sites 火箭以104比88勝雄鹿的比賽在中國由19個電臺及二個網站直播。

He thinks , na ? vely , that yi could earn tons more endorsement income in some markets other than milwaukee 他天真地認為,離開密爾沃基,到別的城市就能簽下一大把鈔票來。

Winter in milwaukee can be best characterized as cold and somewhat dark with extended periods of alcoholism 這里的冬天可以用寒冷,有些陰層和長時間的酗酒癥來形容。

Also sunday , new jersey hosts indiana , milwaukee heads to detroit , and memphis visits dallas 同樣在周日,新澤西網將招待前來做客的步行者,灰熊將上門挑戰小牛。

Yi himself - - when he is allowed to speak - - seems open to the notion of playing in milwaukee 易,他自己- - - - -當他被允許出來說話時,就打算在密爾沃基打球了。

Summers can be quite nice in milwaukee , with average high temperatures around 80 in july and august 夏天可以很愜意,七八月的平均最高氣溫高達27度左右。

The bucks hope they can convince yi and his advisers that milwaukee is the place to be 雄鹿隊希望能讓易建聯和他的團隊相信,密爾沃基是他們的明智選擇。

The fact that milwaukee has few chinese residents ( 1 , 200 ) is not necessarily a big negative 事實上密爾沃基少于1200的中國人不是一個非常消極的因素。

For example , several weeks ago , i took a tour of the miller brewery in milwaukee , wis 郊區學報, mo - 1個小時前作為刺激在高中節目參與,參加者能贏得

“ george evans was in here saturday and said he saw you in milwaukee last week . “喬治伊文思星期六還在這里。他說上星期在密瓦珙城看見你了。 ”

Orlando and milwaukee have been rumored this offseason to be interested in billups 這個假期中,有流言說奧蘭多和密爾沃基對比盧普斯有興趣。

' the following locations are still listed on the milwaukee emergency safe haven list . . . ' “以下地點仍列為密爾沃基區緊急避難中心… ”

To that end , i now teach hunyuan chen style taijiquan in the milwaukee area 最后,我現在美國密爾沃基地區教授陳式心意混元太極拳。