
milton n.1.米爾頓〔姓氏,男子名〕。2.John Milto...


Milton ' s fiancee , nicole johnson , said she thought at first that her family might be a little crazy 的未婚妻nicole johnson說,最初她認為她的家人有點瘋狂。

Milton wrote his three major poetical works : paradise lost , paradise regained , and samson agonistes 他的三部偉大詩作: 《失樂園》 《復樂園》和《力士參孫》 。

Milton s fiancee , nicole johnson , said she thought at first that her family might be a little crazy 的未婚妻nicole johnson說,最初她認為她的家人有點瘋狂。

“ storied windows richly dight , / casting a dim religious light ” ( john milton ) “以歷史故事裝飾富麗堂皇的窗戶,投射了一絲模糊的宗教光線” (約翰?米爾頓) 。

John milton : overrated . biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate 約翰:被高估的東西,在化學上跟吃大量的巧克力沒有區別。

Milton almost requires a solemn service of music to be played before you enter upon him 開始讀彌爾頓的詩歌之前,最好能有人為你演奏一首莊嚴的樂曲。

There was always in milton ' s mind the idea of a great poem that he was to write 在米爾頓的腦子里常常出現這樣一個念頭- -他應當寫出一首偉大的詩篇來。

In his life , milton shows himself a real revolutionary , a master poet and a great prose writer 彌爾頓畢生都展現了真正的革命精神和非凡的詩歌才華。

Milton : tell me , there ' s a lot of oil in iraq . are the big oil companies investing there 密爾頓:伊拉克石油藏量豐富。大石油公司有沒有在那里投資?

Milton friedman , the leader of school of chicago in economics , died yesterday at 94 米爾頓?弗里得曼,芝加哥學派幫主,于昨天逝世,享年94歲。

John milton : guilt is like a bag of fuckin ' bricks . all ya gotta do is set it down 約翰:罪惡感就是一袋子該死的磚塊,你需做的就是拋掉它。

Thereminiscing author was milton friedman , who died on november 16th , aged 94 那文章的作者便是11月16日去世,享年94歲的密爾頓?弗里德曼。

Milton implanted in his daughters a great fear of , if not respect for , their father 密爾頓對他女兒們灌輸的思想不是尊父,就是懼父。

Prof . milton w . y 溫偉耀教授

1908 john milton , english poet , notably paradise lost , was born in london 著有名作《失樂園》的英國詩人約翰?密爾頓在倫敦誕生。

Milton : how is the stock market doing these days ? i haven ' t checked for some time 密爾頓:目前股票市場怎樣?我近來沒有留意。

Free choice and educational fairness - a review on milton friedman ' s education voucher plan 米爾頓183 ;弗里德曼教育憑單計劃述評

“ i love everything that flows , “ said the great blind milton of our times 我們時代的偉大詩人彌爾頓說, “我愛流動的一切。 ”

Did you know the most trusted man in america is milton berle 你知道在美國最受信賴的人是米爾頓伯利(著名喜劇演員)嗎?