
milo n.1.白(或黃)穗蘆粟。2.〔M-〕邁洛〔男子名〕。


We have made a detailed theoretical analysis on the beam - wave interaction in milo and derived electron beam bunching theoretically 我們對milo器件中波束相互作用的物理機理做了詳細的理論分析,研究了milo空間電荷的調制及其輻射機理。

Then the c - band simple milo is simulated systematically . the physics of electron bunching and microwave field growing is investigated in detail 然后,對c波段milo模型進行了數值模擬,研究了其中電子聚束和微波產生的物理過程。

In terms of the pic simulation , the output power of 1 . 5gw at c band and 200mw at x band in milo have been obtained 用整體上移的辦法增加高次諧波,通過對輸出頻率的選擇,在x波段獲得了250mw的功率輸出。

If you plan to boot linux from an arc alphabios arcsbios console , you will need a small fat partition for milo 如果您計劃從arc alphabios arcsbios控制臺引導linux ,您也許需要給milo一個小的fat分區。

If you already have milo installed on your system , or install milo from other media , debian can still be booted from arc 如果您的系統上已經有milo ,或者從其他介質安裝, debian仍然可以從arc啟動。

13 milo t , zohar s . using schema matching to simplify heterogeneous data translation . in proc . the 24th int 這一層即是調解器層,它利用一個規則集合,結合機器學習來匹配和集成模式中的要素。

A compact and simplified nonlinear equation set on the evolution of the radiation field is also derived 同時對milo現有的實驗結果進行了數值模擬,研究了其主要參數對milo的影響。

She resembles the venus de milo : she is very old , has no teeth , and has white spots on her yellow skin 她像那美洛斯的維納斯,年紀老、掉了牙、黃色的皮膚上還有一點點白斑。

She resembles the venus de milo : she is very old , has no teeth , and has white spot on her yellow skin 她象那美洛斯的維納斯,年紀老、掉了牙、黃色的皮膚上還有一點點白斑。

“ a letter like this , “ milo mumbled despondently , “ could ruin any mess officer in the world . “這樣的一張證明, ”邁洛沮喪地嘟嚷說, “能毀了隨便哪一位食堂管理員。

Isabelle : [ while posing as the venus de milo ] i can ' t stop you , i ' ve got no arms 伊莎貝爾: (像維納斯?德?麥洛一樣擺姿勢)我不能阻止你,我沒有手臂。

Milo ' s mouth is crooked because he was born with dead nerve endings in his lower lip 的嘴有些歪歪的,那是因為他出生的時候他的下嘴唇的末尾神經癱瘓。

The reported l - band milo is modeled and verified first by our simulation code 我們對文獻報道的l波段的milo結構建立數學模型進行了數值模擬驗證。

“ national defense is everybody ' s job , “ captain black replied to milo ' s objection 在邁洛拒絕以后,布萊克上尉這樣說: “國防是每個人的職責。 ”

He would like to thank michel zam and milos kleint for reviewing this article 他是一名經驗豐富的eclipse開發人員,并且參與開發了mevenide 。

In fact , they provided the raw material for the parthenon and the venus de milo 實際上,這些石頭都是用來建造帕提農神廟和維納斯的原材料。

The simulation result also shows that the input voltage has start and cutoff values 計算模擬還表明milo具有初始工作電壓和截止工作電壓。

From his childhood interest in films to his dying wish to see milos forman s 最精采是通過他寫在劇本的手跡,近距看他如何執導。

Venus de milo . and 維納斯女神像,還有