
milner n.米爾納〔姓氏〕。


However , wingers ashley young and james milner looked in better shape as they caused the italian backline some nervy moments , and england finally made their deserved breakthrough on 24 minutes when nugent met leighton baines ' fine cross with a diving header to beat viviano 然而,邊路球員阿什利?揚和詹姆斯?米爾奈在比賽中有很好的表現,他們給意大利的后防線造成了幾次威脅,并且英格蘭最終在24分鐘后獲得了回報,紐金特接到雷頓?拜恩斯高質量的傳球順勢一個魚躍沖頂得到了一分。

The results about the unique fixpoint induction are of theoretical significance . the proof assistant pim is of importance from the application point of view . moreover , the verification of the ab protocol and the discovery of an error in r . milner ' s book point out the value of our work 上述結果中的有關唯一不動點歸納法的研究具有重要的理論意義,驗證工具pim具有明確的應用價值,而對ab協議的驗證及r . milner的著作中一個錯誤的發現更是我們工作的價值的體現。

The england coach was granted permission by glenn roeder to visit the magpies ' training base on tuesday , where he caught up with the likes of michael owen , kieron dyer and scott parker , plus younger hopefuls like james milner , steven taylor and peter ramage 這位英格蘭的主教練得到了羅德的邀請在星期二的時候來到了紐卡的訓練場,他在那里跟國家隊的成員歐文,代爾和帕克聊了聊,當然也沒有忘記希望之星米爾納,泰勒和拉美格。

Mrs . schuller and i traveled to colorado recently to visit our daughter , carol , who moved there with tim milner , her husband and their four children . they felt called by god to go to colorado to start a church . they didn t know where 她跟丈夫添梅拿和四個孩子搬到那里去,他們是感到神的呼召要到丹佛市開展新的教會,他們不知道在那里開始,也不知道跟誰開始,他們只知是神的呼召,我為他們感到自豪。

We re putting more and more materials on there all the time . “ our website was started a few years ago by tim milner , my son - in - law , and he has been connected with the power people in china who allowed us to get on their internet programs 他們在看著的,我們的網站是在數年前由添米勒發展的,因著他跟中國當權人士的聯系,我們獲準接駁到中國大陸去,我現在想藉機感謝添米勒和中國支持者的努力!

Now , he has been working very closely with carol schuller milner in the writing of the script for the creation and making sure the scientific elements are accurate and reliable and not debatable 蕭嘉露撰寫創造的劇本時,和他緊密合作,以確保在科學方面的資料正確無誤,不會引起爭議。

1 milner , f . a . , and park , e . j . , a mixed finite element method for a strongly nonlinear second - order elliptic problem , math . comp . , 1995 , 64 : 973 988 2陳煥禎,二階擬線性橢圓問題混合元方法的最大模估計,高等學校計算數學學報,待發表

I m talking about my daughter carol milner . she has a line in one of her poems , which is very profound . “ god is the mystery in the vast unknown 我女兒會寫詩我是說嘉露,她曾寫出一句發人深省的詩句:神是浩瀚的未知里的奧秘。

In doing so , we found an error concerning the ab protocol in r . milner ' s book “ communication and concurrency “ 在這項工作過程中,我們發現了r . milner的著作“ communicationandconcurrency ”中的一個有關ab協議的錯誤。

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The former middlesbrough boss had a word with owen , alan smith , james milner and steven taylor 前米德爾斯堡主帥和歐文、史密斯、米爾納還有泰勒做了簡短談話。

I am carol lynn schuller milner - i am wife - mother - daughter - sister - lover . these are my many 我是別人的太太母親姐姐,我也是別人的愛侶,這些都是我的

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Sir alfred milner was sent out to talk to themsuch a clever man ! 米爾勒爵士那樣一個有才智之士被派來和他們談判!