
milne n.米爾恩〔姓氏〕。


The 80th anniversary of the publication of “ winnie - the - pooh “ and expand the brand beyond the forest and infant toys , clothing and furniture . the tubby yellow bear will appear in brighter colors and disney will emphasize the active side of pooh ' s adventures as described in a . a . milne ' s 1926 book to appeal to activity loving preschoolers , said preston kevin lewis , global director of the winnie the pooh franchise “小熊維尼”連鎖店的全球總監普雷斯頓凱文劉易斯說,這只又矮又胖的黃色小熊將以更鮮艷的形象出現在大家面前,迪斯尼公司將會抓住小熊維尼在“冒險經歷”中的閃光點大做文章,以吸引喜愛冒險的學齡前兒童。

The tubby yellow bear will appear in brighter colors and disney will emphasize the active side of pooh ' s adventures as described in a . a . milne ' s 1926 book to appeal to activity loving preschoolers , said preston kevin lewis , global director of the winnie the pooh franchise . “ trust , friendship and happiness - pooh does n ' t lose any of those things , it just changes how we talk about him , “ lewis said “小熊維尼”連鎖店的全球總監普雷斯頓凱文劉易斯說,這只又矮又胖的黃色小熊將以更鮮艷的形象出現在大家面前,迪斯尼公司將會抓住小熊維尼在“冒險經歷”中的閃光點大做文章,以吸引喜愛冒險的學齡前兒童。

The name - list of studied species is given as follows ( those marked with an asterisk are recorded for the first time from chinese waters and those marked with two asterisks are new to science ) : laega nanhaiensis sp . nov . 2aega ( aega ) serripes h . milne - edwards , 1840 3aega sheni sp 本文描述了所有屬種,提供了形態結構圖,對我國易混淆的常見種類就其形態、構造等方面作了比較研究;提供了各屬種的系統檢索表,對有用的分類依據進行了討論,并概述了生態習性和自然歷史。

This paper analyzes the right against self - incrimination and right to silence in terms of fact , value and law system by using historical method , the method used in sociology of religion and the one adopted by a . j . m . milne to analyze rules 本文借鑒歷史唯物主義的方法、宗教社會學的分析方法以及a . j . m .米爾恩所采用的規則分析方法,從事實、價值、制度三個層面對不被強迫自證其罪權利及其推導權利? ?沉默權進行了分析。

But one of the main ( preliminary ) findings is that home - working is not the “ get - out - of - jail free ” card some had hoped for . “ it ' s easier said than done , ” concludes john milne , head of business continuity management at the fsa 但是其中一個初步估計的主要的發現是(重譯:最終fsa給出的一個主要(也是初步)的結論卻是) ,在家工作并不是想象中的萬能的(重譯:那樣可以從此遠離牢獄般的辦公室了) 。

On 30 november she made a coordinated attack with ray , sinking the cargo ship columbia maru . gato departed milne bay 2 february 1944 to conduct her eighth war patrol in the bismarck - new guinea - truk area 1944年2月2日,小鯊魚號被部署到米爾恩灣,接著就開始了在俾斯麥灣-新幾內亞-特魯克一線的戰術巡邏。

Disney is still battling an appeal of a 14 - year - old los angeles lawsuit by heirs of milne ' s agent , who claim they are owed millions in royalties . the company won a 迪斯尼公司目前仍被一宗長達14年的洛杉磯訴訟案困擾,米爾恩經紀公司的繼承人上訴稱迪斯尼欠他們數百萬美元的版稅。

Disney is still battling an appeal of a 14 - year - old los angeles lawsuit by heirs of milne ' s agent , who claim they are owed millions in royalties 迪斯尼公司目前仍被一宗長達14年的洛杉磯訴訟案困擾,米爾恩經紀公司的繼承人上訴稱迪斯尼欠他們數百萬美元的版稅。

Milne , a . 1997 . our drowning world : population , pollution and future wather . redwoods publishing , usa 中譯本:消失中的地球:新時代的預言世紀方舟的警訊,武陵出版有限公司。

The original , half - formed idea in the mind of keycase milne had taken shape 奇開匙?米爾恩腦子里那個早先不成熟的主意終于形成了。

Battle of milne bay 米爾恩灣戰役

Trading volumes “ conflated ” , says mr milne , but markets remained open 米爾恩說,交易量“合二為一”了,但市場還是那個市場。

The exhilarated mood of keycase milne persisted through the afternoon 整整一個下午,奇開思?米爾恩的情緒都很興奮。

An unexpected bonus had revived the spirits of keycase milne 一筆意外的收入使奇開匙?米爾恩的精神重新振作起來。

The original, half-formed idea in the mind of keycase milne had taken shape . 奇開匙米爾恩腦子里那個早先不成熟的主意終于形成了。

The exhilarated mood of keycase milne persisted through the afternoon . 整整一個下午,奇開思米爾恩的情緒都很興奮。

An unexpected bonus had revived the spirits of keycase milne . 一筆意外的收入使奇開匙米爾恩的精神重新振作起來。