
millivolt n.【電學】毫伏(特)。


General model c38 dc meters are portable taut - band suspended moving coil instruments with light - spot indication . the meters have the feature of extremely high in sensitity and small in consumpition being particularly suitable to be used for measuring weak electric quantity on dc circututs , also for testing the static paramenters of transistors as well for measuring the output of millivolt values of zhermocouple in the vacuun furnaces ( or hydrogen furnaces ) C38型直流電表是磁電系張絲支承光點指示可攜式電表儀表具有極高的靈敏度,功耗小,特別適合弱電量直流電路測量及晶體管靜態參數測試用以及用做真空爐(或氧氣爐)中測量熱電偶的輸出毫伏值

The common detector output pulse signal scope is several dozens millivolts , but the multichannel pulse analyzer input pulse amplitude request is 1 - 15v , therefore the pulse linear amplifier must have the certain voltage gain , about ten times to several times 一般探測器輸出脈沖信號幅度為幾十毫伏,而多道脈沖幅度分析器輸入脈沖幅度要求為1 - 10v ,所以脈沖線性放大器必須具有一定的電壓放大增益,為數倍到上百倍。

Saturating logic draws large fast current spikes from its supply during switching and , having noise immunity of hundreds of millivolts or more , has little need of high levels of supply decoupling 晶體管在開關過程中會流過短暫的大電流(帶來噪聲) ,但是數字電路的噪聲容限可達數百毫伏,所以對電源去耦的要求不高。

The experimental results show that the outputed voltage is from several millivolt to hundreds of millivolt and alters when the tensity of no2 changed 在實驗中對no2氣體進行檢測,結果表明:傳感器的輸出霍耳電動勢在幾毫伏到幾百毫伏之間,且隨待測氣體濃度變化而變化。

The millivolt signal outputted by temperature transducer is sent to plc through temperature transmitter ; it can get every temperature value by computer data processing 溫度傳感器輸出的毫伏級信號經溫度變送器輸出給plc的模擬模塊,經由計算機運算得到各處的溫度值。

Connectors for electronic equipment - tests and measurements - electrical continuity and contact resistance tests - test 2a - contact resistance - millivolt level method 電子設備用連接器.試驗和測量.電氣連續性和接觸電阻試驗.試驗2a .接觸電阻.毫伏電壓級方法

The research also indicates that sd is millivolt voltage signal with slow variation 研究還表明sd的特點是一種緩慢波動的毫伏級信號。

Rf millivolt meter Rf毫伏表

In the present design , step inputs are restricted to a few tenths of millivolt 在目前這個設計中,階躍輸入信號限制在零點幾毫伏以下

Ac millivolt meter 交流毫伏表

Where the volt is too large a unit , we use the millivolt or microvolt 如果伏特作單位太大,我們可用毫伏或微伏。

50 millivolts external ammeter shunts Mv外部電流計分流器