
millionth 第一百萬(個);百萬分之一(的)。


I am glad to be here this morning to celebrate the 50 millionth container handled by modern terminals limited modern terminals 我很高興出席今天現代貨箱碼頭有限公司(現代貨箱碼頭)處理第五千萬個標準箱慶祝典禮。

By 1994 , legend was trading on the hong kong stock exchange ; four years later , it produced its one - millionth personal computer 1994年,聯想于香港證券交易所掛牌上市交易。四年后,公司生產其第100萬臺個人電腦。

Furthermore , they are low - power devices , generating less than millionths of a watt , and can emit frequencies in an unstable manner 此外,鉛鹽雷射是低功率雷射,其功率不到百萬分之一瓦特,發射的頻率也不穩定。

Some hospitals claimed they had the 300 millionth baby . yet the 300 millionth person in the united states could have been an immigrant 一些醫院聲稱他們接生了第3億個嬰兒,盡管在美國的第3億個人可能是個移民。

One demographer has said the 300 millionth person would likely be a latino boy given current u . s . population trends 美國一位人口統計學家曾說,從目前美國的人口走勢來看,這第三億個人可能會是一個拉丁裔男嬰。

Some hospitals claimed they had the 300 millionth baby . yet the 300 millionth person in the united states could have been an immigrant 有些醫院稱他們接生了第3億個嬰兒。然而美國第3億個嬰兒可能是一個移民。

Some hospitals claimed they had the 300 millionth baby . yet the 300 millionth person in the united states could have been an immigrant 一些醫院稱他們已經迎來第30億嬰兒,而這第30億嬰兒還可能是美國的移民。

Each radionuclide has a characteristic half - life . the half - lives of radionuclides may vary from millionths of a second to millions of years 每種放射性核素都有其特定的半衰期,由幾微秒到幾百萬年不等。

If just one millionth of the gas in the universe underwent fusion inside stars , it would have produced enough energy to ionize all the rest 其他的研究人員猜想,是因物質墜落黑洞而游離了背景輻射。

If not , he junks it and tells alice to do likewise ? a process that takes a few millionths of a second 如果出錯, “鮑勃”會拋棄數據并通知“愛麗絲”重新發送數據,發送需要若干個百萬分之一秒。

Even all the most romantic words in this world would not be enough to describe one - millionth of a fraction of your beauty and love 集世界所有最浪漫的詞匯,又怎能描述您的美與愛于萬一?

A unit of length equal to one hundred - millionth ( 10 - 8 ) of a centimeter , used especially to specify radiation wavelengths 埃長度單位,等于一厘米的百萬分之一( 10 8 ) ,用來記錄輻射波長

And mrs . su were surprised and excited at his son becoming the 10 millionth visitor of the museum . mrs 對兒子能夠成為第一千萬名參觀者,蘇先生和蘇太太驚喜之馀,又感到非常興奮。

“ we are so glad that our daughter is the 3 - millionth hksar passport holder , “ the proud parents said 黃先生及林女士說:我們很高興女兒成為第三百萬本特區護照的持有人。

I ' ve never seen either of you one / millionth as happy as you ' ve been since you ' ve got together 自從你們在一起以來,我從來就沒看到你們有你們過去的百萬分之一那樣快樂。

A method of timing accurate to millionths of a second is needed to find the distance of objects 為求出物體的距離,需要一種精確到誤差不出百萬分之一秒的測時方法。

The census bureau said it would not attempt to identify the 300 millionth person 美國人口普查局表示,他們不打算查清這第三億人的具體身份。

Millionth - scale map 百萬分一興圖

Micro one millionth part 百萬分之一