
million n.1.〔pl.〕無數,許許多多。2.百萬元;百萬(鎊、...


Millions of people gave freely in response to the famine appeal . 千百萬人響應救災呼吁而慷慨解囊。

He is worth a million . 他是個百萬富翁。

A million men had been slaughtered by their brothers'hands . 他們有一百萬人曾被自己的同胞屠殺。

The resins were used to turn out millions of helmet liners . 用這類樹脂生產了成百萬只鋼盔內襯。

Farmers produce millions of tons of grain to feed the nation . 農民生產億萬噸糧食養活全國人民。

I don't mean that he had traded on his phantom millions . 我不是說他利用了他那虛幻的百萬家財。

The government ended up with 14. 4 million warrants . 政府終于得到了一千四百四十萬張認股證書。

Suppose you had a million pounds -- how would you spend it ? 假如你有一百萬鎊你怎么花呢?

They are tying down three and a half million german soldiers . 他們牽制著三百五十萬德國軍隊。

By 1976, the number of cases had rebounded to 5. 8 million . 到1976年,病人數又回升到580萬。

There are probably over a million different idiotypes in the body . 全身約有一百萬種遺傳型。

Millions of pet animals are bred and sold every year . 每年養育和出售的玩賞動物數以百萬計。

The daily echo has a readership of over ten million . 《每日回聲報》擁有讀者逾一千萬人。

“nobody gives away a million bucks by mistake! “ “誰也不會由于錯誤而給人一百萬美元!”

About two million people die each year in the united states . 美國每年約有二百萬人死亡。

The lake is probably more than 30 million years old . 這個湖可能已有三千萬年以上的歷史。

The eating habits of millions have been revolutionized . 千百萬人的飲食習慣大大改變了。

There are tens of million stamp hobbyists across the country . 全國有數千萬郵票愛好者。

I have a million enemies . 我有成百萬的冤家對頭。