
millinery n.女帽類;女帽商。


Or , again , where the night life quivers in the electric glare like a kinetoscopic picture , and the millinery of the world , and its jewels , and the ones whom they adorn , and the men who make all three possible are met for good cheer and the spectacular effect 或者又可以說,在這兒,夜生活隨著如自動放映的電影畫面一般的搖曳燈光而顫動;光怪陸離的女帽、珠寶以及佩戴這些物事的各色女子,還有她們的男子玩伴,在這兒也隨處可遇,簡直是一派狂歡鬧騰、蔚為壯觀之榮景。

By this arrangement it would fall to the lot of france , together with spain and portugal , to supply this english world with the choicest wines , and to drink the bad ones herself : at most france might retain the manufacture of a little millinery 在這樣形勢下,法國以及西班牙、葡萄牙將遭到同樣命運,最上品的酒得供應英國世界,只有最下等的劣酒才能留給自己,法國至多只能干些小型女帽業那類營生。

We inform you that we purpose opening at the above premises , on monday , the31st may , a high - class millinery establishment 我們將于5月31日(星期一) ,在上述地址開設高級女用帽子店。特此奉告。

Chanel run a millinery shop in paris 夏奈兒在巴黎開了一家女帽店。