
milliner n.1.女帽頭飾商〔通例指女性〕。2.〔廢語〕雜貨商〔賣...


The village of longbourn was only one mile from meryton ; a most convenient distance for the young ladies , who were usually tempted thither three or four times a week , to pay their duty to their aunt , and to a milliner s shop just over the way 浪博恩這個村子和麥里屯相隔只有一英里路,這么一段距離對于那幾位年輕的小姐們是再便利不過的了,她們每星期總得上那兒在三四次,看看她們的姨母,還可以順便看看那邊一家賣女人帽子的商店。

Prudence duvernoy ? such was the apt name of the milliner ? was one of those ample women of forty with whom no great diplomatic subtleties are required to get them to say what you wish to know , especially when what you wish to know is as simple as what i had to ask 那位婦女時裝鋪老板娘的芳名叫普律當絲迪韋爾諾瓦,是一個四十來歲的胖女人,要從她們這樣的人那里打聽些什么事是用不到多費周折的,何況我要向她打聽的事又是那么平常。

The stacks of soap in the grocers shops , the rhubarb and lemons in the greengrocers ! the awful hats in the milliners ! all went by ugly , ugly , ugly , followed by the plaster - and - gilt horror of the cinema with its wet picture announcements , a woman s love 雜貨店的一堆一堆的肥皂,蔬菜店的大黃萊和檸檬,時裝鑰的丑怪帽了,一幕一幕地在丑惡中過去,跟著是俗不可面的電影戲院,廣告畫上標著: “婦人之愛! ”

Her grandmother , paula , a milliner by trade , who kept up with old nazi friends long after the war , “ must have had to make great efforts not to know anything “ of her brother - in - law ’ s activities 凱特琳的祖母保拉是一個女帽商,她在戰爭結束之后很長一段時間還和自己的納粹老朋友保持聯系,她“肯定曾經不得不做出很大的努力,不去了解”自己二伯的任何活動。

She had once been a kept woman , had tried the stage , had not succeeded and , counting on her contacts among the fashionable women of paris , had gone into business and opened a milliner s shop 這個女人過去也做過妓女,曾經打算進戲班子,但是沒有成功。后來靠了她和巴黎那些時髦女子的關系,做起生意來了,開了一家婦女時裝鋪子。

These two girls had been above an hour in the place , happily employed in visiting an opposite milliner , watching the sentinel on guard , and dressing a sallad and cucumber 這兩位姑娘已經在那兒待了一個多鐘頭,高高興興地光顧過對面的一家帽子店,看了看站崗的哨兵,又調制了一些胡瓜色拉。

The schaetz family has been making hats since 1870 and is now one of the last milliners in bavaria 沙茨的家族從1870年起就開始制作這種帽子,目前他和家人是德國巴伐利亞地區僅存的幾個制淺底軟呢帽的工匠了。

The schaetz family has been making hats since 1870 and is now one of the last milliners in bavaria 沙茨的家族從1870年起就開始制作這種,目前他和家人是德國巴伐利亞地區僅存的幾個制淺底軟呢帽的工匠了。

After wicklow lane the window of madame doyle , court dress milliner , stopped him 走過威克洛巷后,來到多伊爾夫人朝服女帽頭飾店的櫥窗前。

The apples display their milliner ' s scraps of ivory silk , rose - tinged 蘋果樹炫耀著女帽飾帶般的枝條,恰似綢緞,乳白中點綴著玫瑰紅。

Yes , i m her milliner , and she s a neighbour of mine “認識,她是我鋪子里的主顧,而且也是我的鄰居。 ”

Do you have a milliner , can i meet him 你們有女飾設計員嗎?我能見見他嗎?