
millimetre n.毫米〔千分之一米〕。


Dry weather continued into november with only 4 . 3 millimetres of rainfall recorded against a normal of 35 . 1 millimetres 十一月繼續少雨,錄得雨量只有4 . 3毫米,遠較平均值35

The monthly rainfall of 723 millimetres was about 2 . 4 times the normal amount and ranked the fourth highest for the month 九月多雨,全月總雨量為723毫米,約為正常數值的2

At - 24c the average size is 0 . 034 square millimetres . at - 18c , the average sizes is increased to 0 . 084 square millimetres 在攝氏零下十八度,雪花的大小增加至0 . 084平方毫米

On 22 july 1994 , over 300 millimetres of rain were recorded in the northwestern part of the new territories 另外在一九九四年七月二十二日,新界西北部錄得超過300毫米雨量。

Venice is losing each year by the fraction of a millimetre ? negligible for now , but dangerous in a century 威尼斯每年下陷幾分之一毫米,目前看來不足介意,百年卻是禍患。

The year 2006 was also wet . the annual rainfall of 2627 . 8 millimetres was about 19 per cent above normal 二零零六年亦是多雨的一年,年雨量為2627 . 8毫米,較正常多約19 % 。

The accumulated rainfall since january 1 amounted to only 410 millimetres , 33 per cent below the normal figure 自一月一日起的累積雨量為410毫米,較同期正常數值少33 % 。

Up to 8 pm , rainfall amounts recorded over the territory generally exceeded 60 millimetres ( see fig . 1 ) 直至傍晚8時各區普遍錄得超過60毫米的雨量(見圖一) 。

In june 2001 , the total rainfall of 1083 . 6 millimetres set a new record for the month 此外,二零零一年六月錄得雨量達1083 . 6毫米,刷新了六月份的最高紀錄。

Figure 3 . 3 . 2 rainfall distribution on 10 - 12 september 2002 ( isohyets are in millimetres ) 圖3 . 3 . 2二零零二年九月十至十二日的雨量分布(等雨量線單位為毫米) 。

The monthly total rainfall of 238 . 7 millimetres was more than three times the normal amount for the month 該月總雨量為238 . 7毫米,是正常數值的三倍多。

The monthly total rainfall of 238 . 7 millimetres was more than three times the normal amount for march 該月總雨量為238 . 7毫米,是正常數值的三倍多。

The monthly rainfall amounted to 1083 . 6 millimetres , about three times the normal figure 6毫米,約為平均數值的三倍,刷新了六月份的最高雨量紀錄。

This is also a new rainfall record for june , the previous record being 962 . 9 millimetres in june 1966 舊紀錄為962 . 9毫米,于一九六六年六月創下。

Figure 3 . 3 . 2 rainfall distribution on 23 - 25 august 2003 ( isohyets are in millimetres ) 年八月二十三日至二十五日的雨量分布(等雨量線單位為毫米) 。

Qatar ' s meteorological office said 51 . 2 millimetres had fallen so far this month 按照卡塔爾氣象部門的說法,本月迄今為止的總降雨量為51 . 2毫米。

Figure 3 . 1 . 2 rainfall distribution on 20 - 21 july 2003 ( isohyets are in millimetres ) 年七月二十日至二十一日的雨量分布(等雨量線單位為毫米) 。

Qatar ' s meteorological office said 51 . 2 millimetres had fallen so far this month 按照卡達氣象部門的說法,本月迄今為止的總降雨量為51 . 2毫米。

Measurement methods for reflectivity of electromagnetic wave absorbers in millimetre wave frequency 毫米波頻率電磁波吸收裝置反射率的測量方法